Woman presents with vertigo
Author and Disclosure Information [Show]

Helmi Lutsep, MD, Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University; Chief of Neurology, VA Portland Health Care System, Portland, Oregon.

Helmi Lutsep, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships:

Serve(d) as a director, officer, partner, employee, advisor, consultant, or trustee for: BMS - Steering Committee and National Leader for the AXIOMATIC-SSP stroke trial.

Other: NINDS/Mayo Clinic - CREST2 trial Stroke Adjudication Committee.

Question 1 of 3

A 36-year-old woman presents with vertigo. The patient experiences migraine attacks during which she has profound dizziness. She sometimes has spontaneous vertigo that is not associated with migraine. On presentation, she is nonfebrile and physical examination is unrevealing.

What is the likely diagnosis?

Meniere disease

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Vestibular migraine

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency

This quiz is not accredited for CME.

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