Business of Medicine
Do doctors have a legal right to work from home because of health issues or disability?
“There is now a precedent and examples all over that working from home for some is a viable alternative to working in the hospital or a clinic.”...
The differential diagnosis you’re missing
An itchy 73-year-old woman came to see me. She had seen several competent dermatologists, had comprehensive workups, and had reasonable, even...
The top tax breaks that physicians use
“You want to maximize your retirement contributions,” says Mark Steber, the chief tax information officer for Jackson Hewitt Tax Services. “If you...
Artificial intelligence in your office
Some AI-based tools are available to use in your office right now, with no “existential” threat to anybody.
Your workplace is toxic: Can you make it better?
The two things that tend to plague medical practices most: A culture of fear and someone who is letting ego run the day-to-day.
12 steps to closing your practice without problems
“Many don’t think about compliance issues, patient abandonment, or accounts receivable that they need to keep open to collect from billing, which...
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Seeking help for burnout may be a gamble for doctors
Disclosing burnout resulting in being “ostracized, penalized, and ultimately ousted,” is the rule rather than the exception.
Your patient bequeathed money to you: Can you accept it?
“To reject these gifts would be a slap in the face to the patient, [but] where it gets more ethically cloudy is when a gift is very substantial...
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Five ways to avert a malpractice lawsuit with better EHR techniques
Physicians often assume that if they put a note in the electronic chart, others will look for it, but one expert says it’s far more prudent to...
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ACR: Rheumatologists help reduce ED, hospitalization costs
Rheumatologists can save health systems more than $2,700 per patient per year, and each can generate $3.5 million in annual billings, according to...
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NPs, PAs, and physicians hope to join doctors’ union in rare alliance
“The working conditions are really identical. In our view, that means we should be unionizing together.”