Case Reports

Knee Extensor Mechanism Reconstruction With Complete Extensor Allograft After Failure of Patellar Tendon Repair

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The incision was closed primarily, and after surgery, the patient was allowed to bear weight as tolerated in a hinged knee brace locked in extension. Final laboratory analysis from cultures and tissue samples revealed acute and chronic inflammation with more than 20 neutrophils per high-powered field. No organisms grew from aerobic, anaerobic, fungal, or mycobacterial cultures. The infectious disease service was consulted and recommended oral cephalexin.

Because all cultures were negative, all laboratory examinations did not indicate any residual infections, and no bony involvement was noticed intraoperatively or in the preoperative knee MRI, we decided to proceed with the second stage of the Masquelet technique after 2 weeks. The patient returned to the operating room for final reconstruction of his patellar tendon using a custom-ordered cadaveric tendon–patellar tendon–bone allograft, the length of which was determined by measuring the contralateral patellar tendon, ie, 5.18 cm (Figure 1A). The previous anterior knee incision was reopened and extended distally past the tibial tuberosity and proximally toward the quadriceps tendon. The antibiotic spacer was removed. We proceeded with a repeat irrigation and débridement and the allograft transfer. The selected allograft was customized by reducing the tibial bone component to an approximately 1×2-cm bone block and by reducing the allograft patellar thickness with an oscillating saw, leaving an approximately 2-mm thick patellar bone graft attached to the patellar tendon. In a similar technique using an oscillating saw, we shaved off the anterior cortex of the patient’s patella to accommodate, in a sandwich fashion, the patellar allograft. Proximally, the quadriceps tendon insertion was split longitudinally and partially separated from the superior pole of the patellar tendon to allow seating and fixation of the modified quadriceps allograft tendon component.

We proceeded with the fixation of the allograft first distally on the patella. The anterior cortex of the tibial tuberosity was resected to allow the perfect seating of the bone block allograft. The graft was secured with a 4.0-mm fully threaded cancellous lag screw and reinforced with a 2.4-mm, 3-hole T-volar buttress plate (Synthes, Paoli, Pennsylvania). The plate was contoured to better fit the patient’s tibia. We sutured the patellar allograft tendon to the patella using two No. 2-0 FiberWire sutures in Krackow suture technique8 (Figures 1B, 1C). We obtained good fixation of the patellar tendon, and the distance between the patellar insertion and the inferior patellar pole was the same as before surgery: 5.57 cm and comparable to the contralateral side (Figures 2A-2C). The patellar allograft and autograft sandwich were secured with additional No. 2-0 FiberWire sutures, and the quadriceps allograft and autograft were secured with the cross-stitch technique with the same material. Fine suturing of the quadriceps tendon was done with No. 0 Vicryl sutures. After the fixation was completed, we tested the stability of the reconstruction and found good flexion up to 120°.

The postoperative protocol consisted of weight-bearing as tolerated in full extension and passive knee ROM, using a continuous passive ROM machine from 0° to 45° for the first 4 weeks, followed by active ROM, increased as tolerated, during the next 8 weeks.

The patient was seen in clinic 3 and 9 months after surgery. At the 3-month follow-up appointment, the patient’s examination showed knee ROM from 0° extension to 130° of flexion, no secondary infection signs, and radiographic evidence of a well-healing patellar allograft with symmetric patellar tendon length to the contralateral side. At 9-month follow-up, the patient’s active ROM was from 0° extension to 140° flexion (Figures 3A, 3B), and he had returned to his preinjury level of functioning.


This case report describes the successful reconstruction of a patellar tendon defect with cadaveric tendon–patellar tendon–bone allograft. Extensor mechanism injuries are uncommon in general, and the incidence of patellar tendon injury is higher in men than in women.2 Patellar tendon tears occur frequently in active patients younger than 40 years, usually as a result of sudden quadriceps contraction with the knee slightly flexed.1 Treatment of patellar tendon injury is surgical, and functional outcomes for patients with this injury are equivalent to those of patients with quadriceps tendon injuries or patellar fractures.2 Acute patellar tendon tears can be repaired by end-to-end suturing or transosseous tunnel insertion in the tibia or patella.1 Reinforcement is often added between the patella and tibial tuberosity, using a semitendinosus band or wire.1 End-to-end suture is performed using a thick resorbable suture. It is important to avoid patella alta during suturing, comparing the position of the patella with the contralateral patella with the knee in 45° of flexion. In proximal avulsion, the tendon is anchored to the bone by 2 thick nonresorbable sutures through 2 parallel bone tunnels to the proximal pole of the patella. Distal avulsion is rare in adults, but it can be managed by using staples or suture anchors.1

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