Conference Coverage

Registry helps track pelvic organ prolapse outcomes in the U.S.



The Pelvic Floor Disorders Registry (PFDR) is well underway, with a total of nearly 1,800 patients enrolled to date, Catherine Bradley, MD, said during a presentation at Pelvic Floor Disorders Week, sponsored by the American Urogynecologic Society.

“This is a unique collaborative registry created in response to U.S. industry requirements. There are many benefits to using this approach, but also many challenges. It’s a work in progress,” said Dr. Bradley, of the University of Iowa, Iowa City. She chairs the American Urogynecologic Society Research Council, which helps oversee the registry.

Dr. Catherine Bradley Amy Karon/Frontline Medical News

Dr. Catherine Bradley

The purpose of the PFDR is to fulfill requirements from the Food and Drug Administration for postmarketing studies of the vaginal mesh procedure, to give surgeons a pelvic organ prolapse treatment database to track individual and aggregate outcomes for research and quality improvement purposes, and to create a framework for future clinical studies, according to Dr. Bradley.

As such, the PFDR comprises two interrelated registries, Dr. Bradley noted. The PFDR-I includes industry-sponsored studies, while the PFDR-R is the independent research registry of the American Urogynecologic Society. The PFDR previously included a third quality improvement registry, which in January 2016 was moved to a separate platform called AQUIRE.

The PFDR-I is tracking 1,620 patients who underwent 1,386 procedures for pelvic organ prolapse as part of four studies sponsored by three manufacturers, according to Dr. Bradley. The PFDR-R, for its part, has eight active sites and has enrolled 179 patients with pelvic organ prolapse, 154 of whom underwent mesh surgery and 25 of whom received vaginal pessaries, she said.

The PFDR-R is voluntary and has faced some barriers in the 10 months since its launch, Dr. Bradley said. Participation increases workload for physicians as well as data entry personnel, and patients must provide informed consent to be entered into the registry. But the benefits of participating are also substantial, she emphasized. The PFDR-R will enable surgeons to track their own outcomes in terms of caseload, anatomic outcomes, symptoms and quality of life, and adverse events. They can download their own data, compare their outcomes to others as part of highly granular benchmarking initiatives, and propose and conduct studies of the entire registry.

The PFDR is supported by ACell, ASTORA Women’s Health, Boston Scientific, and Coloplast. Dr. Bradley reported having no conflicts of interest.

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