Opioid deaths in the ED increase nationally



​In a comparison of urban and rural areas, large and medium metropolitan communities had the sharpest increase, at 45%.

To combat the rise in deaths, the CDC is encouraging an increase in naloxone distribution and training for first responders and community members.

The agency also recommends that local health departments begin using ED data to alert local communities when opioid-related deaths rise.

“This is a very difficult and fast-moving epidemic, and there are no easy solutions,” Dr. Schuchat said. [These data send] “a wake-up call about the need to improve what happens when patients leave the emergency department; all of us working together, government, public health, the medical community, law enforcement, and community members themselves can help fight this epidemic and save lives.”


SOURCE: Vivolo-Kantor AM et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 6 Mar 2018. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6709e1.


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