
The Flint Lock: A Novel Technique in Total Knee Arthroplasty Closure

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  • The Flint Lock is a novel technique in TKA closure.
  • Its continuous nature provides a tight seal with extensor mechanism closure.
  • The utilization of a segmental closure with double suture provides a safeguard for suture failure.
  • The suture used in the technique is less expensive than barbed suture.
  • Future investigation is warranted to further validate the use of the Flint Lock.




    Conventional interrupted sutures are traditionally used in extensor mechanism closure during total knee arthroplasty (TKA). In recent years, barbed suture has been introduced with the proposed benefits of decreased closure time and a watertight seal that is superior to interrupted sutures. Complication rates using barbed sutures and conventional interrupted sutures are similar. We propose a novel closure technique known as the Flint Lock, which is a double continuous interlocking stitch. The Flint Lock provides a quick and efficient closure to the extensor mechanism in TKA. In addition, similar to barbed suture, the Flint Lock should provide a superior watertight seal. It utilizes relatively inexpensive and readily available materials.

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