Case Reports

Bilateral Hallux Varus Deformity Correction With a Suture Button Construct

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Hallux varus deformity typically results from soft-tissue overcorrection at the metatarsophalangeal joint during surgery for hallux valgus. There are several soft-tissue procedures available for flexible hallux varus deformity including transfer of the extensor hallucis longus or abductor hallucis. To our knowledge, there have not been any previous reports in the literature of bilateral hallux varus deformities in the setting of potential pregnancy-related ligamentous laxity combined with iatrogenic injury. We present the case of an isolated bilateral hallux varus deformity occurring after pregnancy and prior bunion surgery. The simultaneous operations using the Mini TightRope device (Arthrex Inc, Naples, Florida) were considered a success with the patient having pain relief and return to regular activities with normal shoewear.


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