
Servier and French drug safety agency found guilty on diet drug


More than 10 years after the withdrawal of the weight-loss drug Mediator (benfluorex) from the market in France, the Paris Court issued its judgment on March 29, 2021, against Servier Laboratories and the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM).

Servier Laboratories was convicted of “aggravated deception” and fined 2.7 million euros (approximately $3.2 million) but were found not guilty of fraud. ANSM will also have to pay a fine.

Mediator was brought to the market in 1976 for the treatment of hyperlipidemia and for overweight patients with type 2 diabetes but was used off label as an appetite suppressant. It was taken by 5 million people and was only removed from the market in France in 2009 because of its toxic effects.

Mediator was taken off the market in Spain 6 years earlier, and in Switzerland 12 years earlier, and more than 30 years before in Belgium. It was never marketed in the United States.

The number of deaths because of heart valve damage related to the drug in France has been estimated at 220-300 in the short term (2.5 years) and 1,300-1,800 in the long term. In addition, the drug has been responsible for 3,100-4,200 hospital admissions for valvular insufficiency and pulmonary arterial hypertension.

“Despite knowing the risks for very many years ... [Servier Laboratories] never took the necessary measures and thus deceived” consumers of Mediator, declared the president of the criminal court, Sylvie Daunois.

Servier has “weakened confidence in the health system,” she added.

“I am very happy that ‘aggravated deception,’ the heart of the case, has been recognized and condemned,” Irène Frachon, MD, a pulmonologist at Brest (France) University Hospital and whistleblower on the Mediator scandal, said in an interview.

However, Dr. Frachon continued: “The major problem, putting a toxic agent on the market for years, is a given. But the weakness of the sentences gives a mixed message.

“The judgment is too cautious in its punishments,” she added, pointing out that, “in the case of contaminated blood, there were prison sentences.”

Servier deceived doctors and patients

The French trial in September 2019 was extraordinary, with about 100 witnesses, nearly 400 lawyers, and 5,000 victims.

On June 23, 2020, the prosecutor, Aude Le Guilcher, requested at the end of her indictment that the six companies of the Servier group be fined, notably for “deception, homicide, involuntary injuries, and fraud,” to the tune of 20.3 million euros (approximately $23.8 million).

Against the former No. 2 of Servier, Jean-Philippe Seta, Ms. Le Guilcher requested 5 years in prison, with 2 years suspended, and a 200,000 euro (approximately $235,000) fine.

The same sum was requested against ANSM for homicide and unintentional injuries.

In the end, Mr. Seta, the former right hand of Jacques Servier, who died in 2004, was sentenced to 4 years in prison, suspended. For their part, ANSM was fined 303,000 euros(approximately $350,000).

It is now clearly established that Servier Laboratories knowingly concealed the similarity of Mediator to the fenfluramine family of compounds, which was banned in 1990 because of adverse effects.

The group also deceived doctors who prescribed the drug and patients who took it by hiding its toxicity.


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