
‘The Whale’: Is this new movie fat-phobic or fat-friendly?


‘Your own worst bully’

In “The Whale,” Charlie appears to suffer from internalized weight bias, which is common to many people living with obesity, Ms. Nece says.

“Internalized weight bias is when the person of size takes all that negativity and turns it on themselves. The easiest way to describe that is to tell you that I became my own worst bully because I started believing all the negative things people said to me about my weight,” Ms. Nece adds.

Her hope is that the film will bring attention to the harm that this bias creates, especially when it derives from other people. “There’s no telling whether it will, but what Charlie experiences in bias and stigma from others clearly happens. It’s realistic. Those of us in large bodies have experienced what he is experiencing, so some people have said the movie is fat-phobic, but I see it as I can relate to those experiences because I have them too, so they are very realistic.”

Ms. Nece notes that it is important for clinicians to understand that obesity is a multifaceted and sensitive topic. “For those medical professionals who do not already know that obesity is complex, I hope the film will begin to open their eyes to the many different facets involved in obesity and their patients with obesity, I hope it will help them empathize and show compassion to their patients with obesity,” she concludes.

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


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