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The fertile future of fertility technology


Sperm collection made simpler

Typically, a man delivers a sperm sample in a room at an IVF clinic or by collecting a sample at home and rushing it to the clinic before it degrades, which Dr. Williams said can happen in as little as 15 minutes.

In 2020, Dr. Williams and his team began using a custom at-home sperm collection box that houses sperm in a recyclable foam container that holds a sample cup, which is filled with special sperm-supporting media, at an angle that prevents evaporation and maintains temperature and pH. This allows patients to collect samples in the comfort of their homes and increases the clock to 3 hours.

“It’s great for the patients because it’s much more comfortable,” said Dr. Williams, who notes that having to “perform” on site can be stressful for men. Studies the team has conducted have shown sperm collected in this manner have a better success rate than those collected in the lab, and 90% of Columbia’s Fertility Center patients are now providing sperm samples this way.

Similar innovations to deliver sperm, like Protex, are now on the market, while companies like myLabBox and Legacy are offering at-home sperm testing kits to mail in for a full semen analysis.

At-home monitoring: More and better

Wearable reproductive health devices are also helping more women get pregnant. “I am very excited about biometric data harnessed in wearables to predict periods, ovulation, and fertility,” said Amander Clark, PhD, director of the UCLA Center for Reproductive Science, Health, and Education, Los Angeles.

The Tempdrop Fertility and Ovulation Tracker, for instance, is a wearable sensor with an accompanying charting app that helps a woman identify her most fertile days to conceive. The Bellabeat Ivy is a women’s health smart bracelet with a strong focus on tracking a woman’s cycle and fertility, pregnancy, and postnatal symptoms. And Mirvie, which is currently in development, is a blood test that will be able to predict pregnancy complications earlier.

Physicians are also looking to move as much of the lab experience as they can into a patient’s home, which streamlines processes while offering privacy and comfort. For example, Dr. Hariton, who runs a strategic venture capital fund for physicians, said his team is currently working with a company that does remote ultrasounds.

And Mira, an at-home hormone monitor, uses patented AI algorithms to accurately measure the levels of major reproductive health hormones (E3G, LH, PdG, FSH) in urine, said Meir Olcha, MD, chief medical officer at Sama Fertility. The product recently completed a clinical trial, which showed it was a viable alternative to blood serum for patients undergoing IVF.

Stem cells could make eggs ageless

Research shows that a woman’s egg quality decreases gradually but significantly starting at age 32 and more rapidly after 37. Sperm quality may also decrease with age. A possible workaround: Scientists are actively researching how to create eggs and sperm from stem cells.

“I think getting eggs from stem cells will happen in the future,” said Dr. Hariton, who notes that this type of technology would be a game changer in his clinic. “It will make some of the hardest diagnoses that I have – which is on a daily basis, ‘I’m so sorry, you’re in premature menopause’ or ‘I don’t think we’re going to be successful getting you pregnant with your own eggs; here are some other options like donor eggs’ – much better,” he added. And stem cells are currently being used to research causes of infertility.

Clinics like UCLA have already been making strides. “We are using stem cells to identify new genes required for reproduction and to define the role of these genes in human fertility and infertility,” said Dr. Clark, a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA, who recently led a study in this arena. “In vitro gametogenesis (IVG), another stem cell technology, is currently used in the research lab to understand causes of infertility.”

These stem cell-based embryo models, she said, can help researchers understand the first few days of embryo development after an embryo implants and be used to provide critical information on causes of early pregnancy loss or birth defects.

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