Conference Coverage

Benefits of bariatric surgery persist for 12 years


AT ADA 2023

A quartet of studies joined together

The ARMMS-T2D prospective analysis resulted from an early partnership by the organizers of the four independent randomized studies that compared bariatric surgery with lifestyle and medical intervention in people with type 2 diabetes and overweight or obesity: STAMPEDE, which included 150 people at the Cleveland Clinic starting in 2007; SLIMM-T2D, which included 88 people at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston starting in 2010; TRIABETES, which included 69 people at the University of Pittsburgh starting in 2009; and CROSSROADS, which included 43 people at the University of Washington, Seattle, starting in 2011.

Further secondary findings from the ARMMS-T2D analyses showed that 38% of the surgery patients and 17% of controls had an A1c < 6.5% after 7 years.

At 7 years, type 2 diabetes remission, defined as those with an A1c < 6.5% who were not taking any antidiabetes medications, was reached in 18% of surgery patients and 6% of controls. At 12 years, 13% of the surgery patients and none of the controls met this metric, Dr. Courcoulas said.

The duration of diabetes a person had before undergoing bariatric surgery “may be an important factor” as to whether patients undergo remission, suggested Dr. Eckel. He noted that longer duration type 2 diabetes usually results in increased glucose intolerance and makes remission less likely

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass appeared to have the best rates of patients achieving both lower A1c levels and more weight loss, followed by sleeve gastrectomy and gastric banding, which had the worst performance. But Dr. Courcoulas cautioned that the study was underpowered to reliably compare individual surgical procedures.

In terms of those with an A1c < 7.0%, surgery patients maintained a steady prevalence rate of about 55% during the first 5 years of follow-up, roughly twice the rate of controls, at 28% during all years of follow-up starting at year 5.

About 37% of enrolled patients had a BMI < 35 kg/m2, and the A1c-lowering benefit and weight loss in this subgroup were consistent with the overall findings, which supports consideration of bariatric surgery for people with type 2 diabetes and a BMI < 35 kg/m2, Dr. Courcoulas said.

She also highlighted that bariatric surgery was linked with significant reductions in triglyceride levels and increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, compared with controls. However, 22% of surgery patients experienced abdominal pain, compared with 10% of controls, and 7% experienced dysphagia, compared with no cases among the controls.

ARMMS-T2D received no commercial funding. Dr. Courcoulas had no disclosures. Dr. Eckel has been a consultant to numerous companies but said he had no relevant disclosures.

A version of this article first appeared on


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