Law & Medicine
Law & Medicine
Sexual harassment
Which physician behaviors and health care workplace environments cross the line into sexual harassment?
Law & Medicine
Physician-assisted suicide – an update
Has opinion among physicians and lawmakers shifted against legalizing physician-assisted suicide?
Law & Medicine
Failure to diagnose is a continuing challenge
What factors are most likely to contribute to diagnosis-related malpractice claims?
Law & Medicine
Duty vs. confidentiality
What role does foreseeability play when a physician knows a patient may be a danger to others?
Law & Medicine
Shinal v. Toms: It’s Now Harder to Get Informed Consent
Question: Which of the following statements regarding Shinal v Toms, a recent landmark decision on informed consent, is correct?:A. The case was...
Law & Medicine
Federal medical tort reform: Has its time come?
Three legal relative newcomers – health courts, apology laws, and safe harbors – appear to be taking center stage in any forthcoming federal tort...
Law & Medicine
The perils of the National Practitioner Data Bank
What can be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, and how much impact can those reports have on physicians’ careers?
Law & Medicine
Update on the False Claims Act
Battles over implied fraud and competing medical opinions may reshape the risk physicians face in False Claims Act cases.
Law & Medicine
Update on malpractice trends
Are malpractice claims really on the decline? And how much protection do apology laws actually provide physicians?
Law & Medicine
Doctors, drug reps, and free speech
What impact have recent court decisions had on physicians’ freedom of speech rights?
Law & Medicine
EMTALA Part III: Case law
This is the third installment of a three-part series. Question: Based on case law, which of the following statements is most appropriate regarding...