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Prevalence of CHD and Stroke by Birthplace

J Am Heart Assoc; 2018 Mar 28; Fang, Yuan, et al

Foreign-born adults residing in the US had a lower prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke compared to US-born adults; however, considerable heterogeneity of CHD and stroke risk was found by region of birth, according to the results of a recent study. Researchers used data from the 2006 to 2014 National Health Interview Survey with birthplace categorized as US or foreign born; foreign born was grouped into 6 birthplace regions. Among the findings:

  • Age-standardized prevalence of both CHD and stroke were higher among US- than foreign-born adults (CHD: 8.2% vs 5.5% for men and 4.8% vs 4.1% for women; stroke: 2.7% vs 2.1% for men and 2.7% vs 1.9% for women).
  • CHD prevalence was lower among foreign-born adults from Asia and Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean vs US-born adults.
  • For stroke, men from South American or Africa had the lowest prevalence; women from Europe had the lowest prevalence.
  • Years of living in the US was not related to risk of CHD or stroke after adjustment with demographic and health characteristics.


Fang J, Yuan K, Gindi RM, Ward BW, Ayala C, Loustalot F. Association of birthplace and coronary heart disease and stroke among US adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2006 to 2014. [Published online ahead of print March 28, 2018]. J Am Heart Assoc. doi:10.1161/JAHA.117.008153.