Clinical Edge

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Change in Injecting Behavior in Patients with HCV

J Viral Hepat; ePub 2018 Sep 27; Malaguti, et al

Enrolling couples on hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment when partners are seroconcordant resulted in benefits for reduction in injecting behavior, a recent study found. Researchers investigated changes in injecting behavior during treatment for HCV infection and examined the role of psychosocial factors on patients’ injecting behavior. Eradicate-C was clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of HCV treatment within the injecting drug using population from 2012-2017. A total of 94 participants completed up to 24 weeks of HCV treatment, with social and behavioral measures taken at different intervals. Researchers found:

  • Data for 84 participants was analyzed retrospectively to examine potential behavioral changes which had occurred during treatment.
  • Injecting frequency reduced significantly between baseline (week 1) and every 4-weekly interval until week 26.
  • Not being on Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) was associated with a statistically significant decrease in injecting frequency, as was having a partner who also used drugs, in particular when that partner was also on treatment for HCV infection.


Malaguti A, Sani F, Stephens BP, et al. Change in injecting behavior among people treated for hepatitis C virus: The role of intimate partnerships. [Published online ahead of print September 27, 2018]. J Viral Hepat. doi:10.1111/jvh.13009.