Clinical Edge

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Effect of HBV on Steatosis in HCV Co-Infection

J Viral Hepat; ePub 2018 Apr 17; Goossens, et al

The prevalence of steatosis is similar in hepatitis B virus-hepatitis C virus (HBV-HCV) compared to HCV patients, however; there may be an inhibitory effect of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-induced steatogenesis by HBV in certain subgroups of patients. This according to a study and systematic review that examined the influence of coinfection with HBV on prevalence of steatosis in chronic HCV in a multicenter cohort of HBV-HCV subjects. Researchers found:

  • 85 HBV-HCV, 69 HBV, and 112 HCV subjects were included in the clinical cohort.
  • There was no significant difference in steatosis prevalence between the HBV-HCV and the HCV groups (33% vs 45%).
  • In subgroup analysis, lean HBV-HCV individuals with detectable HBV DNA had less steatosis than lean HCV subjects matched for HCV viremia (15% vs 45%).
  • Overall, prevalence of steatosis >5% was similar in HBV-HCV infection compared to HCV (pooled OR, 0.91).


Goossens N, de Vito C, Mangia A, et al. Effect of hepatitis B virus on steatosis in hepatitis C virus co-infected subjects: A multi-centre study and systematic review. [Published online ahead of print April 17, 2018]. J Viral Hepat. doi:10.1111/jvh.12891.