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Prevalence of HCV and Route of Transmission

J Viral Hepat; 2018 Feb; Wong, Lee, Ng, et al

High-risk sexual behavior, body piercing, intramuscular injection, and vaccine inoculation abroad, and having lived aboard for >3 months were significantly associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in blood donors with otherwise nonidentifiable source of infection. This according to a recent study that examined the prevalence of HCV and its associated factors in healthy adults without identifiable route of transmission. 91 HCV-infected donors were identified in 2014-2016, of whom 46 were recruited in a mixed-method study to examine their transmission routes. Researchers found:

  • 75% of recruited donors were HCV RNA positive, with the predominant subtypes being 1b and 6a.
  • Only 14 (30%) recruited donors could be traced to past history of contaminated blood transfusion or injection drug use.
  • High-risk sexual behavior, body piercing, intramuscular injection, and vaccine inoculation abroad, and having lived aboard for >3 months were significantly associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in case-control analyses.


Wong NS, Lee CK, Ng SC, Wong HK, Chan DPC, Lee SS. Prevalence of hepatitis C infection and its associated factors in healthy adults without identifiable route of transmission. J Viral Hepat. 2018;25(2):161-170. doi:10.1111/jvh.12804.