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Age’s Effect on BC Survival May Depend on Subtype

J Clin Oncol; ePub 2016 Aug 1; Partridge, et al

The way age impacts survival in women with early breast cancer appears to depend upon breast cancer subtype, according to an analysis involving nearly 17,600 women.

Investigators looked at data from women with newly diagnosed stage I to III breast cancer presenting over a 7-year period ending in 2007. ~1,900 were ≤40 years of age at diagnosis.

After adjusting for certain variables, these younger women had a 40% higher risk of breast cancer mortality. Those with:

• Luminal A tumors had more than twice the risk.

• Luminal B tumors had a 40% higher risk.

• Triple-negative tumors had borderline increased risk that was not statistically significant.

No increased risk was seen in those with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 subtypes. After controlling for detection method, young age was linked with increased risk only among those with luminal A tumors.

Citation: Partridge A, Hughes M, Warner E, et al. Subtype-Dependent Relationship Between Young Age at Diagnosis and Breast Cancer Survival. [Published online ahead of print August 1, 2016]. J Clin Oncol. doi:10.1200/JCO.2015.65.8013.