From the Editor

From the Editor

Welcome Editorial

Dr. Osunkwo welcomes readers to a new direction for Hematology News and introduces herself and her mission....

From the Editor


Ambition is overrated. The ambitious find it harder to accept failure, and some degree of failure is likely.

From the Editor

Treat or treat

When assessing whether to recommend treatment, it’s tough to know the difference between tricks and treats.

From the Editor


Here we were, three accomplished physicians all resigning from powerful posts at the same time for what turns out to be similar reasons. Our...

From the Editor

Timed perfectly

His leukemia was asymptomatic, indolent, and required no treatment. He could have waited 6 months to be seen. But, no; he couldn’t.

From the Editor

Rat race

A rat race can be more than just a competitive quest for financial gain. In politics, the quest is more for power. In sports, the quest includes...
