
VIDEO: Don’t miss reservoirs when treating recurrent onychomycosis



– Patients attribute every nail problem to nail fungus, but part of the problem with nails is concomitant tinea pedis, tinea corporis, and other reservoirs of infection, according to Neal Bhatia, MD, director of clinical dermatology at Therapeutics Clinical Research in San Diego.

“If we aren’t treating the skin as well as the nails, it is creating a reservoir effect that reaccumulates in the nail itself,” he said. Similarly, the nails can serve as a reservoir of infection for the skin.

“That makes it all the more important” to treat both skin and nails and “treat through the disease state,” he commented in a video interview. Cost can influence treatment decisions, and there is a role for both topical and systemic therapy, he said. However, “if there’s not adequate testing or if there’s not a good proof of the diagnosis, we are just losing out no matter what we use,” he cautioned.

Dr. Bhatia disclosed relationships with companies including Actavis, Aqua, Allergan, Anacor, Bayer, Biofrontera, Biopharmx, Dermira, Dusa, Exceltis, Ferndale, Foamix, Galderma, Intraderm, ISDIN, LaRoche-Posay, Leo, Novartis, Sanofi, and Valeant.

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