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Don’t shorten therapy for older, sicker cellulitis patients



However, Dr. Cranendonk noted, there were some important differences between the patients in that study and the DANCE cohort. They were, on the whole, younger and generally in better overall health. Also, only 15% of those patients were hospitalized for their infections, while all of the DANCE subjects were treated in the hospital.

Patients enrolled in DANCE were a mean of 62 years old, with a median 28 kg/m2 body mass index. About 40% had experienced cellulitis before, and 25% had diabetes. Most infections were on the leg (84%) and involved the lower leg or the lower leg and the foot. Fever was present in half of the group, lymphadenopathy in a third, and leukocytosis in 70%.

Upon enrollment, all 248 patients received 6 days of 1,000 mg/day IV flucloxacillin, with the option of a step-down to oral treatment (500 mg four times per day) at the treating physician’s discretion. At day 6, patients who were clinically improved (afebrile, no need to an antibiotic switch, no growth in blood culture, and improved symptoms of pain, ulceration, discharge, and fluctuance) were randomized to either another 6 days of flucloxacillin or placebo.

The primary endpoint was cure by day 14, with no relapse and no need for new antibiotics by day 28. The secondary endpoint was relapse by 90 days after initial cure.

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