Conference Coverage

Vancomycin loading boost yields better C. diff outcomes



– A heightened loading dose of vancomycin may lead to faster recovery and greater efficacy in Clostridium difficile infections, according to the results of a quasi-experimental study presented at an annual scientific meeting on infectious diseases.

The study looked at a loading dose of 500 mg of vancomycin delivered four times per day for the first 48 hours, followed by a step down to 125 mg every 6 hours. It came on the heels of an attempted randomized, clinical trial that was inconclusive because of insufficient recruitment. Still, the results were promising enough to convince the Yale New Haven Hospital to make it standard practice in C. difficile patients.

Samad Tirmizi, PharmD, an infectious disease pharmacist at Stony Brook University (N.Y.), shares the results of a comparison of outcomes before and after the initiation of this treatment protocol in a video interview.

The approach grew out of concerns that vancomycin may not achieve sufficient concentrations in the colon early in treatment. A pharmacokinetics study published in 2010 suggested that a high initial loading led to higher fecal vancomycin levels, even in patients with increased stool frequency (BMC Infect Dis. 2010 Dec 30;10:363).

SOURCE: Tirmizi S et al. IDWeek 2018, Abstract 1980.

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