
The EHR Report: Seeing through a glass, darkly



Thousands of years ago, the apostle Paul wrote that “we see now as through a glass, darkly.” Borrowing from his original meaning, these ancient words have been quoted throughout literature to describe an “incomplete understanding,” often mixed with a state of despair. Today, we might think of the electronic record as the glass – or mirror – reflecting the patient’s story. Ironically, in spite of having more information than ever, the image we see may be incomplete, and possibly even wrong altogether. While the amount of available data may at first glance appear enlightening, the reflection in the glass may be rather dark indeed.

Dr. Notte is a family physician and clinical informaticist for Abington (Pa.) Memorial Hospital. He is also a partner in EHR Practice Consultants, a firm that aids physicians in adopting electronic health records. An avid programmer, he has published software for handheld devices in partnership with national organizations, and he is always looking for new ways to bring evidence-based medicine to the point of care. Neil Skolnik, MD, is associate director of the family medicine residency program at Abington (Pa.) Memorial Hospital and professor of family and community medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia. He is also editor-in-chief of Redi-Reference Inc., a software company that creates mobile apps.


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