Latest News
New tests may finally diagnose long COVID
“I was gobsmacked by the results. We’re seeing a massive dysregulation in those four biomarkers. It’s a combination that we showed was predictive...
From the Journals
COVID vaccination protects B cell–deficient patients through T-cell responses
The findings demonstrate how vaccine-induced T-cell responses could potentially reduce COVID-19 severity, the authors write.
FDA warns of potentially lethal reaction to seizure meds
Diagnosis is often difficult because early signs and symptoms, such as fever and swollen lymph nodes, may be present without evidence of a rash....
Pearl of the Month
Diagnosing patients with sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis should always be part of the differential when you see lymphopenia.
From the Journals
Unexplained collapse unveils rare blood disorder
Acquired TTP often appears to arise in connection with either an immune trigger, such as a viral infection, or immune dysregulation associated...
Conference Coverage
Saltwater gargling may help avoid COVID hospitalization
Hospitalization rates in the low- (18.5%) and high- (21.4%) saline groups were significantly lower than in the reference control population.
Conference Coverage
Survey: 42% of PCPs not familiar with biologics for asthma
“The results of the survey point to the need to improve the communication between primary care physicians and asthma care specialists, including...
Conference Coverage
Alpha-gal syndrome: Red meat is ‘just the beginning,’ expert says
“We are seeing increasing diagnoses of AGS in places that are not, perhaps, where we first thought this allergy existed.”
The steep costs of disrupting gut-barrier harmony
When the gut barrier is disrupted by factors such as infection, low-fiber diet, antibiotics, and alcohol, then it cannot function normally to...
Latest News
Review finds no CV or VTE risk signal with use of JAK inhibitors for skin indications
Of the 35 trials studied, most involved patients with atopic dermatitis.
News from the FDA/CDC
New meningococcal vaccine wins FDA approval
The vaccine “has the potential to protect more adolescents and young adults from this severe and unpredictable disease by providing the broadest...