
Botulism Disaster Uncovers Fake Botox Market


A December 2004 affidavit from a special agent for the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations quotes attendees of the workshop as saying that Dr. McComb injected volunteers with hyaluronic acid, whereas Dr. Baker demonstrated botulinum toxin injections using the TRI product.

A nurse who attended was quoted as saying that Dr. Baker made it a point never to use the word “patients,” as if he were avoiding it. Instead, he used the words, “When you inject your specimens.”

The affidavit included comments from many physicians who attended the workshop, bought the product, or both.

In Florida, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, family physicians, and a pathologist who performs cosmetic procedures are being investigated by state medical board authorities for allegedly purchasing unapproved product and using it on their patients.

To read the complaint filed in U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, visit


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