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Treating LDL to below 70 reduces recurrent stroke



Study stopped early

The trial was stopped in May 2019 after allocated funds ran out. At this point, researchers had 277 events to analyze, although their initial goal was to reach 385.

The primary endpoint of this event-driven trial was a composite of nonfatal stroke, nonfatal MI, and unstable angina followed by urgent coronary revascularization; TIA followed by urgent carotid revascularization; or cardiovascular death, including sudden deaths.

The endpoint was experienced by 8.5% of participants in the lower-target group versus 10.9% of those in the higher-target group. This translated to a 22% relative risk reduction (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% confidence interval, 0.68-0.98; P =.04).

A total of 86% of participants had an ischemic stroke confirmed by brain MRI or CT scan. In this group, the relative risk reduction was 33% – “meaning that we could avoid one-third of recurrent major vascular events,” Dr. Amarenco said.

Furthermore, targeting the lower LDL levels was associated with a relative risk reduction of 40% among those with diabetes.

Secondary outcomes not significant

The investigators used hierarchical testing to compare two outcomes at a time in a prespecified order. They planned to continue this strategy until a comparison emerged as nonsignificant.

This occurred right away when their first composite secondary endpoint comparison between nonfatal MI and urgent revascularization was found to be not significantly different between groups (P = .12).

The early ending “weakened the results of the trial, and the results should be taken with caution because of that,” Dr. Amarenco said.

In addition, the number of hemorrhagic strokes did not differ significantly between groups. There were 18 of these events in the lower-target group and 13 in the higher-target cohort.

That numerical increase in intracranial hemorrhage was “driven by the Korean patients. … and that is something we will report soon,” Dr. Amarenco said.

Interestingly, the researchers also evaluated how much time participants spent within the target LDL cholesterol range, averaged by study site. They found that 53% of the lower–LDL target group, for example, was in the therapeutic range on average during the study.

When Dr. Amarenco and colleagues looked at participants who managed to spend 50%-100% in the target range, the relative risk reduction was 36%.

“So we can hypothesize that, if we had used a more potent drug like PCSK9 inhibitors to be closer to 100% in the therapeutic range, we may have had a greater effect size,” Dr. Amarenco said.

“Our results suggest that LDL cholesterol is causally related to atherosclerosis and confirm that the lower the LDL cholesterol the better,” Dr. Amarenco said.

“Future trials should explore the efficacy and safety of lowering LDL cholesterol to very low levels such as less than 55 mg/dL or even 30 mg/dL (as obtained in the FOURIER trial) by using PCSK9 inhibitors or equivalent in patients with an ischemic stroke due to atherosclerotic disease,” Dr. Amarenco said.

‘Practice-confirming’ findings

The findings are also in line with secondary analyses of the WASID (Neurology. 1995 Aug;45[8]:1488-93) and SAMMPRIS trials, which should dispel some concerns that persist about taking LDL to such low levels that it increases risk of intracerebral hemorrhage, Dr. Amarenco noted.

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