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Trauma rates with operative vaginal delivery unexpectedly high, study finds



A new investigation has found that rates of physical trauma following operative vaginal delivery (OVD) in Canada are higher than previously reported.

The cohort study of more than 1.3 million deliveries in the country found trauma rates were highest with forceps delivery, with more than 1 in 4 pregnancies resulting in maternal trauma and 1 in 105 infants experiencing neonatal trauma. Maternal and neonatal trauma following vacuum deliveries was less common, occurring in 1 in 8 pregnancies and 1 in 104 infants, according to the researchers, who reported their findings in the Canadian Medical Association Journal .

“The rates of trauma following OVD in Canada are higher than previously reported, irrespective of region, level of obstetric care, and volume of instrument use among hospitals,” lead author Giulia Muraca, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., said in an interview. “While OVDs may be associated with low rates of morbidity in carefully selected circumstances, the uniformly high rates of trauma among forceps and vacuum deliveries documented across regions, levels of obstetric care, and hospitals show that such conditions do not apply to routine obstetric practice in Canada.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers OVD a way to reduce the rate of cesarean deliveries. However, the group has also pointed to a decline in familiarity with the procedures among clinicians new to the field.

Current reports also show that while OVD accounts for up to 15% of deliveries in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, the risks associated with the approach are heavily dependent on the expertise of the provider. Declining use of OVD in favor of cesarean delivery has reduced opportunities for clinicians to acquire proficiency in performing these deliveries, according to the researchers.

Given these various factors, the investigators said the consensus on the safety of OVD is under scrutiny.

“An examination of maternal and neonatal trauma among OVD in contemporary practice is necessary to ensure that health care providers, policy makers, and pregnant individuals are informed regarding the risks of OVD typically experienced in routine obstetric practice, rather than those encountered under ideal conditions,” Dr. Muraca said.

Over 1 million deliveries studied

Dr. Muraca and colleagues looked at 1,326,191 deliveries occurring across Canada (except Quebec) between April 2013 and March 2019. The researchers included all singleton, term (≥37 weeks), in-hospital deliveries to women who had not undergone a previous cesarean delivery.

The study’s primary outcome measures were composite maternal trauma and composite neonatal trauma. Maternal trauma included obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI); cervical or high vaginal laceration; pelvic hematoma; obstetric injury to the pelvic organs, pelvic joints, or ligaments; injury to the bladder or urethra; and other pelvic trauma. Neonatal trauma comprised intracranial hemorrhage and laceration, skull fracture, severe injury to the central or peripheral nervous system, fracture of the long bones, injury to the liver or spleen, seizures, and neonatal death.

The analysis found that 38,500 (2.9%) of the cases involved attempted forceps deliveries while 110,987 (8.4%) were attempted vacuum deliveries. Of the attempted forceps deliveries, 1,606 (4.2%) failed, while 8,791 (7.9%) of attempted vacuum deliveries failed.

Maternal trauma was observed in 25.3% of all forceps deliveries (n = 9,728) and 13.2% of all vacuum deliveries (n = 14,614), the researchers reported. The most common form of maternal trauma was OASI, which was observed in 21.52% of women undergoing forceps delivery and 11.67% of those undergoing vacuum delivery. The rates of all other forms of maternal trauma were higher among patients undergoing attempted forceps delivery than among their counterparts undergoing attempted vacuum delivery.

After adjusting for possible confounders, rates of maternal trauma remained higher with forceps than with vacuum deliveries (adjusted rate ratio, 1.70).

The rate of neonatal trauma was comparable for forceps (9.56/1,000 live births) and vacuum deliveries (9.58/1,000 live births). In these cases, damage to the peripheral nervous system was the most common form of neonatal trauma, occurring in 4.85/1,000 live births with forceps delivery and 3.41/1,000 live births for vacuum delivery, the researchers found.


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