From the Journals

Hypertensive disorders screening recommended for all pregnant women



Back to basics to improve women’s health

Some clinicians may be disappointed by the Evidence Report’s primary finding that no alternative screening strategies outperformed routine blood pressure measurement, wrote Anne E. Denoble, MD, and Christian M. Pettker, MD, both of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., in an accompanying editorial.

While potentially frustrating at first glance, the findings of the Evidence Report provide a foundation for improvement and reassurance that the best existing screening methods are basic and fundamental: regular prenatal visits with routine, in-office blood pressure measurements, and urine protein screening when clinically indicated, they said.

However, the USPSTF review also noted persistent research gaps that must be addressed to significantly improve maternal health outcomes, they said. Notable gaps include the disproportionately low numbers of Black patients in current studies, and the need for studies of alternate models of prenatal care, including the use of remote blood pressure monitoring, and the use of biomarkers to screen for and predict hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

The most striking limitation may be the focus on prenatal care, with lack of attention to postpartum mortality risk, given that more than half of pregnancy-related deaths occur postpartum, the authors noted.

Although current screening tools may be used in practice “with skill and might,” more effort at multiple levels is needed to address the larger maternal health crisis in the United States, they said.

Expand screening, engage primary care for long-term benefits

Screening for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy “can and should be within the purview of internists,” wrote Srilakshmi Mitta, MD; Cary P. Gross, MD; Melissa A. Simon, MD, of Brown University, Yale University, and Northwestern University, respectively, in a separate editorial. The recommendation to extend screening beyond preeclampsia is timely, given the consistent increase in all hypertensive disorders of pregnancy since 1990, the authors said.

Pregnancy is not the only time for screening, counseling, and management of hypertensive disorders, they emphasized. “All persons who have reproductive capacity and/or are planning pregnancy, along with those who are post partum, should be screened for hypertensive disorders, aligning the USPSTF with guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American College of Cardiology, and the American Heart Association,” they said, and all clinicians should be on board to identify and treat hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, especially in underserved racial and ethnic minorities for whom primary care may be their only source of health care.

“Pregnancy is a window of opportunity to influence current and future life course, not just of the individual, but also of the fetus(es),other children, and family,” and timely intervention has the potential for great public health impact, they said.

Dr. Denoble disclosed grants from the HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research and from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. Dr. Simon serves on the Advisory Committee for Research on Women’s Health for the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health and serves as a member of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Community Preventive Services Task Force; she was a member of the USPSTF from 2017 to 2020. Dr. Gross disclosed grants from Johnson and Johnson and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (through a grant to the NCCN from AstraZeneca) and personal fees from Genentech.


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