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ACS expands lung cancer screening eligibility



In addition, decision-making should be a shared process with a health professional providing the patient with information on the benefits, limitations, and harms of LDCT screening, as well as prescreening advice on smoking cessation and the offer of assistive counseling and pharmocotherapy.

“Overall, lung cancer screening remains one of the least used early cancer detection modalities in clinical practice. The new guidance opens up lung cancer screening to all former smokers regardless of time of cessation,” said internist William E. Golden, MD, MACP, a professor of medicine and public health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock. “This may promote greater uptake in concert with greater availability of low-radiation CT scanning.”

Dr. Aarati D. Didwania

While agreeing the expanded criteria will enfranchise nearly 5 million current and former U.S. smokers for screening and may reduce deaths, internist Aarati D. Didwania, MD, MMSCI, MACP, a professor of medicine and medical education at Northwestern University, Chicago, warned that increasing actual uptake may be an uphill battle. “The practical part of the equation is seeing that the scans get done. There is often a lag between a recommendation of a yearly test and getting insurance coverage for it, and many disadvantaged people face barriers.” Then there’s the knowledge gap. “Patients and doctors have to know what the new guidelines are and who has access,” she said.

Reaching the target population in rural areas is particularly challenging with the greater distances to imaging centers. Another barrier is that most electronic health records do not identify eligible patients based on smoking and pack‐year history.

In Dr. Didwania’s view, professional medical societies have an important role to play in educating their members, and through them, patients. “Disseminating information about the new recommendations is the first step and would be incredibly helpful.”

A brief history of lung cancer screening

1950s: By mid-20th century, the causal association between tobacco exposure and lung cancer became clear and by the late 1950s attempts were made to develop a lung cancer screening strategy for high‐risk individuals, commonly with the combination of sputum cytology and chest x-ray.

1970s: The ACS recommended annual testing for current or former smokers with chest x-ray (and sometimes sputum cytology).

1980: The ACS withdrew the above recommendation for regular radiographic screening after randomized controlled trials failed to yield convincing evidence that such screening saved lives.

2013: After the National Lung Screening Trial found three annual LDCT screenings were associated with a 20% relative mortality reduction, compared with annual chest x-ray, the ACS issued a recommendation for annual screening with LDCT: in persons 55-74 years with a pack‐year history of 30 or more who currently smoke or formerly smoked but had not exceeded 15 years since quitting and had no life-limiting morbidity.

Future mortality

Although tobacco controls are expected to reduce age‐adjusted lung cancer mortality in the United States by 79% from 2015 to 2065, 4.4 million lung cancer deaths are projected to occur in this period, the authors stated. “A large fraction of these deaths can be prevented if we embrace the urgent challenge to improve our ability to identify the population at risk and apply our knowledge to achieve high rates of participation in regular [lung cancer screening].”

The study was funded by the American Cancer Society Guideline Development Group and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. The authors disclosed no relevant competing interests. Dr. Golden and Dr. Didwania had no relevant conflicts of interest to declare with regard to their comments.


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