
How to prescribe exercise in 5 steps


Clinicians are well aware of the benefits of physical activity and the consequences of inactivity.

Managing the diseases associated with inactivity – heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension – falls to physicians. So one might assume they routinely prescribe exercise to their patients, just as they would statins, insulin, or beta-blockers.

But evidence indicates that doctors don’t routinely have those conversations. They may lack confidence in their ability to give effective advice, fear offending patients, or simply not know what to say.

That’s understandable. Many doctors receive little training on how to counsel patients to exercise, according to research over the past decade. Despite efforts to improve this, many medical students still feel unprepared to prescribe physical activity to patients.

But here’s the thing: Doctors are in a unique position to change things.

Only 28% of Americans meet physical activity guidelines, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the same time, other research suggests that patients want to be more active and would like help from their doctor.

“Patients are motivated to hear about physical activity from physicians and try to make a change,” says Jane Thornton, MD, PhD, an assistant professor in family medicine at Western University, Ont. “Just saying something, even if you don’t have specialized knowledge, makes a difference because of the credibility we have as physicians.”

Conveniently, just like exercise, the best way to get started is to ... get started.

Here’s how to break down the process into steps.

1. Ask patients about their physical activity

Think of this as taking any kind of patient history, only for physical activity.

Do they have a regular exercise routine? For how many minutes a day are they active? How many days a week?

“It takes less than a minute to ask and record,” Dr. Thornton says. Once you put it into the patient’s electronic record, you have something you can track.

2. Write an actual prescription

By giving the patient a written, printed prescription when they leave your office, “you’re showing it’s an important part of treatment or prevention,” Dr. Thornton explains. It puts physical activity on the level of a vital sign.

Include frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine’s Exercise is Medicine initiative provides a prescription template you can use.

3. Measure what they do

Measurement helps the patient adopt the new behavior, and it helps the physician provide tailored advice going forward, Dr. Thornton says.

With the rise of health-monitoring wearables, tracking activity has never been easier. Of course, not everyone wants to (or can afford to) use a smartwatch or fitness tracker.

For tech-averse patients, ask if they’re willing to write something down, like how many minutes they spent walking, or how many yoga classes they attended. You may never get this from some patients, but it never hurts to ask.

4. Refer out when necessary

This brings us to a sticky issue for many physicians: lack of confidence in their ability to speak authoritatively about physical activity. “In most cases, you can absolutely say, ‘Start slow, go gradually,’ that kind of thing,” Dr. Thornton says. “As with anything, confidence will come with practice.”

For specific prescriptive advice, check out the Exercise is Medicine website, which also has handouts you can share with patients and information for specific conditions. If your patient has prediabetes, you can also point them toward the CDC’s diabetes prevention program, which is available in-person or online and may be free or covered by insurance.

If a patient has contraindications, refer out. If you don’t have exercise or rehab professionals in your network, Dr. Thornton recommends reaching out to your regional or national association of sports-medicine professionals. You should be able to find it with a quick Google search.

5. Follow up

Ask about physical activity during every contact, either in person or online.

Dr. Thornton says the second and fifth steps matter most to patients, especially when the prescription and follow-up come from their primary care physician, rather than a nurse or physician assistant to whom you’ve delegated the task.

“The value comes in having a physician emphasize the importance,” Dr. Thornton says. The more time you spend on it, the more that value comes through.

What NOT to say to patients about exercise

This might surprise you:

“I definitely don’t think telling people the official recommendations for physical activity is useful,” says Yoni Freedhoff, MD, an associate professor of family medicine at the University of Ottawa and medical director of the Bariatric Medical Institute. “If anything, I’d venture it’s counterproductive.”

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with the recommended minimum – 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. The problem is what it says to a patient who doesn’t come close to those standards.

“Few real-world people have the interest, time, energy, or privilege to achieve them,” Dr. Freedhoff says. “Many will recognize that instantly and consequently feel [that] less than that is pointless.”

And that, Dr. Thornton says, is categorically not true. “Even minimal physical activity, in some cases, is beneficial.”

You also want to avoid any explicit connection between exercise and weight loss, Dr. Thornton says.

Though many people do connect the two, the link is often negative, notes a 2019 study from the University of Toronto., triggering painful memories that might go all the way back to gym class.

Try this pivot from Dr. Freedhoff: “Focus on the role of exercise in mitigating the risks of weight,” he says – like decreasing pain, increasing energy, and improving sleep.

How to motivate patients to move

New research backs up this more positive approach. In a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, doctors in the United Kingdom who emphasized benefits and minimized health harms convinced more patients to join a weight management program than negative or neutral docs did. These doctors conveyed optimism and excitement, smiling and avoiding any mention of obesity or body mass index.

Exactly what benefits inspire change will be different for each patient. But in general, the more immediate the benefit, the more motivating it will be.

As the University of Toronto study noted, patients weren’t motivated by vague, distant goals like “increasing life expectancy or avoiding health problems many years in the future.”

They’re much more likely to take action to avoid surgery, reduce medications, or minimize the risk of falling.

For an older patient, Dr. Freedhoff says, “focusing on the preservation of functional independence can be extremely motivating.” That’s especially true if the patient has vivid memories of seeing a sedentary loved one decline late in life.

For patients who may be more focused on appearance, they could respond to the idea of improving their body composition. For that, “we talk about the quality of weight loss,” says Spencer Nadolsky, DO, an obesity and lipid specialist and medical director of WeightWatchers. “Ultimately, exercise helps shape the body instead of just changing the number on the scale.”


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