Diversity in Medicine
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FDA proposes ban on hair straightener ingredients
The proposal specifies that formaldehyde would be banned, as well as other chemicals that release formaldehyde, such as methylene glycol.
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Asthma severity higher among LGBTQ+ population
SGM respondents were significantly more likely to have had asthma attacks requiring steroid use in the past years.
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Lack of time is damaging women’s health
The one thing that is especially damaging to physical and mental health is sleep deprivation, and working mothers get less sleep than do working...
Every click you make, the EHR is watching you
Could the actions we take in the EHR reveal the unconscious biases we have?
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Are women and men with rheumatism treated equally?
Compared with men, women receive a diagnosis of rheumatic disease much later and are treated more poorly, research suggests.
Training more doctors should be our first priority, says ethicist
To me, the main goal is to expand our workforce. The secondary goal is to stay diverse, because we get better providers when we do so.
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Menopausal hormone therapy less prescribed for Black women
There’s likely a combination of reasons for these disparities, with both provider and patient factors contributing, researchers say.
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New risk factors for cardiovascular disease in women emerging
Gender equity in care for cardiovascular disease will be achieved only when risk factors are evaluated from a gender-dependent perspective and...
Fighting disparities in palliative and end-of-life care
Racial and ethnic minorities are less likely to receive goal-concordant care, participate in advance care planning, and have access to palliative...
The new normal in body temperature
Studies have actually shown that body temperature may be decreasing over time in humans.
One in five doctors with long COVID can no longer work: Survey
A U.K. survey shed light on the lingering effects of long COVID on more than 600 chronically ill and disabled doctors with the condition.