Conference Coverage
DDW: Budesonide improves dysphagia, histology, and endoscopic findings in EoE
Key clinical point: A mucoadherent oral formulation of budesonide shows promise as an effective treatment for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), with...
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Assessment tool rapidly screens lupus cognition
FDA panel gives nod to mepolizumab for severe asthma in adults
Conference Coverage
Mepolizumab reduces asthma exacerbations more in the elderly
The rate of asthma exacerbations was reduced more among elderly patients than among younger patients treated with mepolizumab vs. placebo as part...
Majority of eczema appears after childhood
Exercise-induced anaphylaxis
Albuterol costs soared after CFC inhaler ban
Key clinical point: The FDA ban on chlorofluorocarbon-based albuterol inhalers sharply increased out-of-pocket costs and slightly decreased...
AAAAI: Grass allergy tablets show favorable NNT
Key clinical point: The number of allergic rhinitis patients who need to be treated with Timothy grass immunotherapy tablets to obtain a sustained...
Aspirin desensitization making headway in U.S.
Key clinical point: Aspirin desensitization for patients with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease is catching on among U.S. allergists.
Conference Coverage
Mast cells predict hypersensitive reactions in rituximab desensitization
Key clinical point: Look to mast cell degranulation, not skin tests, for accurate information regarding the likelihood of hypersensitive reactions...