Men's Health
Don’t call them ‘private parts’
Please use your understanding of anatomy and physiology to educate your patients to have better sexual health and higher quality of life. You may...
Latest News
Can this device take on enlarged prostates?
“I think this is something that a lot of people are going to be able to use in their practice and that their patients are going to benefit from,”...
Latest News
Is this the best screening test for prostate cancer?
Researchers from the United Kingdom found that half of men with apparently “safe” PSA levels had clinically significant prostate cancers when...
From the Journals
One in five men carries high-risk HPV in international study
“Our study draws attention to the high prevalence, ranging from 20% to 30% for HR-HPV in men across most regions, and the need for strengthening...
The four questions you should ask about sexual health
Ask nonjudgmental and open-ended questions. You actually may be the only doctor to ever do so.
25 years of Viagra: A huge change in attitudes about ED
One thing that Viagra proved to the world is that not only is there a large amount of sexual dysfunction — some numbers as high as 35% of men over...
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA approves new device for enlarged prostate treatment
The device improved urinary flow rate and decreased the amount of urine stored in the bladder following urination.
From the Journals
Men and women react differently to acute stress
In men, stress rapidly improved the ability to downregulate emotional arousal via distraction that was fully mediated by cortisol.
From the Journals
Methotrexate does not impair sperm quality, small study finds
The findings provide reassurance that men can start methotrexate therapy while actively pursuing parenthood.
Conference Coverage
Anabolic-steroid withdrawal regimens show promise in men
“There is a vacuum of medical advice on what to do” when men stop taking steroids.
Conference Coverage
Big trial reassures on heart safety of testosterone in men
“The community of physicians who prescribe testosterone to men was waiting with bated breath” for the TRAVERSE results.