From the Journals
Remote electrical neuromodulation device helps reduce migraine days
The device decreased the number of migraine days by an average of 4 days per month.
From the Journals
Frequent visits to green spaces linked to lower use of some meds
Finnish city dwellers who often visited green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, used fewer psychotropic, antihypertensive, and asthma...
More data back Guillain-Barré risk with Janssen COVID shot
Observed GBS cases after the Janssen shot were 2 to 3 times greater than expected, based on background rates within 21 and 42 days of vaccination...
From the Journals
Long-term depression may hasten brain aging in midlife
Adults with higher levels of depressive symptoms over 25 years had three times the odds of poor cognitive function.
From the Journals
Cognitive testing for older drivers: Is there a benefit?
A policy designed to weed out cognitively impaired drivers over age 75 had the unforeseen effect of exposing them to injuries incurred while...
From the Journals
Similar brain atrophy in obesity and Alzheimer’s disease
The findings of a new study suggest that managing excess weight might slow cognitive decline and lower the risk for AD.
From the Journals
Psychiatric illnesses share common brain network
The findings highlight the possibility of “potentially developing transdiagnostic treatments based on common neurobiology, not just symptom...
Latest News
Poor sleep quality as a teen may up MS risk in adulthood
Individuals who slept less than 7 hours a night on average during adolescence were 40% more likely to develop MS later on.
From the Journals
Six healthy lifestyle habits linked to slowed memory decline
A healthy diet emerged as the strongest deterrent, in a new study.
From the Journals
Even one head injury boosts all-cause mortality risk
The findings of a new study underscore the importance of preventing head injuries and of swift clinical intervention once a head injury occurs,...
From the Journals
Nine more minutes a day of vigorous exercise tied to better cognition
‘Even minor differences in daily behavior appeared meaningful for cognition in this study.’