Reports From the Field

Interdisciplinary Geriatric Difficult Case Conference: Innovative Education Across the Continuum



A second unique feature was utilizing the Wisconsin Star Method rather than focusing on a typical medical model framework for discussing a challenging case. The Star Method allows participants to increase their proficiency in providing comprehensive care while being more confident and mindful in addressing the complicated interacting physical, emotional and social issues of older adults [13].

A monthly post-call debriefing with committee members to review the strengths and weakness of the call was key to growing the program. The committee was able to critically review the process of the call, review participant surveys and discuss next steps. Adding a webinar approach, automatic email notification of calls, participant electronic survey, recording the call, and the addition of offering contact hours were some of the action items that were a result of monthly debriefing calls.

The team also found the 3-system collaboration to be beneficial. Aspirus has a large rural population, and Wheaton and Aurora have a diverse population, and each adds to the participant’s experience. Each IGDCC was rotated between the systems, which did not put the burden on any one health system. An annual call assignment listing was maintained for noting which system was responsible for the case each month and whether the geriatric expert was assigned/confirmed. Identifying the committee’s individual and collective group expertise was helpful in the overall project planning. The committee also developed a standard presenter guide and template and an expert teaching guide so the monthly IGDCC were consistent.


The committee did not have a budget. Participation on the committee was in-kind funding from each system. Aspirus used its electronic system in place at the time to support the project. Interactive conference call education platform can be challenging with multiple participants on an open line who may not mute their phone. Often times, when a group of participants are calling in from one phone line it is difficult to know how many people are attending the IGDCC. It can be challenging at times to facilitate the call during the discussion component as participants occasionally talk over each other.

Current Status/Future Directions

The team has completed 18 consecutive monthly IGDCCs. Our participation rate has tripled. Participant satisfaction remains favorable. The team is now offering 1 contact hour to participants, and our invitations to participate have been extended to national health care groups. Challenging cases will be presented from community sources outside the hospital. Focusing attention on elevating the level of geriatric care in our region using a community educational approach will give us new opportunities for collaborating on best practice in multiple settings across the care continuum.

Acknowledgment: The planning team acknowledges Evalyn Michira, MSN, RN, PHN, AGCNS-BC, for her assistance in call presentations.

Corresponding author: Margie Hackbarth, MBA,

Financial disclosures: none.


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