Clinical Review

Psychological Distress and Cardiovascular Disease




Psychological distress remains underrecognized in CVD patients. Brief screening tools such as the PHQ-2 and PHQ-9 are available, easy to use, and reliable for use by clinicians to improve case finding. Primary care providers and cardiovascular specialty providers are called upon to improve the recognition of psychological distress in their patients and assure referrals are made to collaborative care teams for proper diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues. Longitudinal studies focused on the impact of primary/secondary/tertiary psychological distress prevention strategies in the general population, as well as those with CVD, are needed to bring the state of the science forward and provide evidence to enhance the care of those with psychological distress and CVD.

Corresponding author: Anthony McGuire, RN, PhD, ACNP-BC, CSULB, School of Nursing, #2 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90804,

Financial disclosures: None

Author contributions: conception and design, AWM, EA, LVD; drafting of article, AWM, EA, LVD; critical revision of the article, AWM, EA, LVD; collection and assembly of data, AWM, EA, LVD.


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