Families in Psychiatry

Family psychoeducation is critical in care of children with disabilities


Dr. Margaret G. Klitzke is a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist who has worked across all settings of the Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at Bradley Hospital in East Providence, R.I.

Dr. Margaret G. Klitzke, a psychiatrist in East Providence, R.I. Courtesy Dr. Margaret G. Klitzke

Dr. Margaret G. Klitzke

I spoke with Dr. Klitzke recently about her work as an outpatient psychiatrist at the center and about the important role of families in the treatment it provides. The center offers highly specialized clinical services for children and adolescents between the ages of 2 and 18 who show signs of serious emotional and behavioral problems in addition to a developmental disability, such as autism, Asperger’s, or intellectual disability.

Dr. Alison Heru, professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado at Denver, Aurora

Dr. Alison Heru

The center’s model of care emphasizes family involvement. Dr. Klitzke was trained in family interventions by Nathan B. Epstein, MD, and Duane S. Bishop, MD, the originators of the McMaster approach and the problem-centered systems therapy of the family. This training informs much of her work with families.

ALISON M. HERU, MD: Hello, Dr. Klitzke and thank you for agreeing to this interview.


AMH: I admire your dedication to this population of children and adolescents. To me, it seems very hard to work with patients and families where there is significant disability and there is little hope of the patient “getting better.”

MGK: When parents come to us, they have great hopes their children can be helped. They often express understanding and acceptance of the child’s disability, and seek to understand the psychiatric or behavioral issues. These parents are often very dedicated to their children, giving up careers to care for them. But as professionals, we must be sensitive to the role each parent can play and how they can support each other and the family.

AMH: So much of your work focuses on family inclusion and family psychoeducation?

MGK: Yes. An example that stands out is a couple where the mother had become the voice for the family in dealing with professionals, but she was overwhelmed in this role. So, we invited the father in. He explained that medical professionals and school personnel would address their remarks to his wife and that he felt marginalized. We worked with the couple, now always including the father, and he has gone on to become a vocal advocate for children with disabilities. It is inspiring to watch families become advocates – to insist that others see the child’s strengths – not just weaknesses.

AMH: Do you feel that the families ever come to you with too high expectations of what you can do to help their child?

MGK: As a child psychiatrist, one must put oneself in the parents’ shoes. Charlie Zeanah Jr., MD, and others have done wonderful work in attachment. They have identified that parents have fantasies and beliefs about what the child will be like before the child is born. We all have fantasies about our babies before they come to us! For many families, they quickly come to understand that their child is not like other children. This new world of parenting is not what they expected. A mother once gave me a short piece called “Welcome to Holland,” written by a mother whose child has Down syndrome.


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