Evidence-Based Reviews

Managing psychiatric illness in patients with epilepsy

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Appropriate treatment of mental health problems can improve the global prognosis for the patient who has a seizure disorder



Patients who have epilepsy have a higher incidence of psychi­atric illness than the general population—at a prevalence of 60%.1 Establishing a temporal association and making a psy­chiatric diagnosis can be vexing, but awareness of potential comorbidi­ties does improve the clinical outcome2 (Box). As this article discusses, psychiatric presentations and ictal disorders can share com­mon pathology and exacerbate one another.3 Their coexistence often results in frequent hospitalization, higher treatment cost, and drug-resistant seizures.4 Risk factors for psychopathology in people who have epilepsy include psychosocial stressors, genetic factors, early age of onset of seizures, and each ictal event.5 Among ictal disorders, tem­poral-lobe epilepsy confers the highest rate of comorbidity.3

Mood disorders
Mood disorders are the most common psychiatric disorder comorbid with epilepsy (irrespective of age, socioeconomic status, and ethnic­ity), affecting 43% of patients who have a seizure disorder.5 These disorders present as an ictal aura in 1% of cases; the presence of a comorbid mood disorder implies a more severe form of epilepsy.2 Most mood disorders are underdiagnosed in epilepsy, however, because of the mistaken assumption that depression is a normal reaction to hav­ing a seizure disorder.

Interictal depression is the most commonly reported complaint, although dysphoria also can present peri-ictally.6 The severity of depression and the seizure disorder often are directly proportional to each other.1 Decreased levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, or abnormalities in their transport or post­synaptic binding, have been reported in epilepsy and in affective illness.6 MRI studies have documented that patients who have a depressive disorder have more gray-matter loss compared with healthy controls.7 Depression diminishes the qual­ity of seizure remission after medical and surgical interventions for epilepsy.8

Taking a multidisciplinary approach to treating a mood disorder in a patient who has epilepsy might improve ictal and mood outcomes.9 Anhedonia is the most common presenting symptom, but some patients do not meet DSM-5 criteria. Depression exhib­its atypically, with fatigue, irritability, poor frustration tolerance, anxiety, and mood lability.6 Self-report screening scales, such as the Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy, are helpful for mak­ing a diagnosis.10

Treatment. Prompt antidepressant treat­ment is indicated. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and sero­tonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are the most common agents in this set­ting.11 Consider possible cytochrome P450 interactions between antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and antidepressants; sertra­line, citalopram, and escitalopram have the lowest incidence of adverse effects. Because tricyclic antidepressants have proconvulsant properties, they are not commonly prescribed in these patients12 (Table 1).13

Electroconvulsive therapy and vagus nerve stimulation14 are effective interven­tions in treatment-resistant depression. The efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimula­tion remains to be clarified.

AEDs can produce psychiatric effects, even in nonconvulsive epilepsies. Twenty-eight percent of cases of depression that are comorbid with epilepsy have an iatro­genic basis, and can be induced by barbi­turates, topiramate, vigabatrin, tiagabine, and levetiracetam.13 These adverse effects are a common reason that patients discon­tinue drug treatment and obtain psychiatric consultation.15

Neurosurgical management of epilepsy carries a low risk of depression compared with pharmacotherapy because the surgery offers better ictal control.16 Because some AEDs have mood-stabilizing properties, discontinuing one might unmask an under­lying mood disorder.17

The incidence of adjustment disorder with depressed mood in persons who have epilepsy is 10%; with dysthymia, the inci­dence is 4%. Adjustment problems with an adverse psychosocial outcome are docu­mented more often in patients who have a long-standing, chronic disorder than in those with a more recent diagnosis.18

Postictal suicidal ideation is more com­mon in persons who have a preexisting mood disorder.6 The rate of suicide among epilepsy patients is 5%, compared with 1.4% in the general population—which is the same rate seen among patients with other psychiatric conditions, but higher than what is observed in many chronic medical conditions.19 Attempted suicide is not a direct result of epilepsy, but is sig­nificantly related to underlying psychopa­thology20; anxiety comorbid with a mood disorder increases the risk of suicide.21

The incidence of bipolar disorder among epilepsy patients is 1.4%.22 Although some AEDs can induce mania and hypomania, valproate and lamotrigine each have mood-stabilizing properties that might prevent such episodes.23

Anxiety disorders
Approximately one-third of epi­lepsy patients report anxiety. In contrast to what is seen with depression, AEDs do no alleviate anxiety.16,19 Anxiety or fear is the most common ictal-related psychiatric symptom2 making it difficult to differenti­ate anxiety and a seizure.24

Antidepressants, especially an SSRI, often are the treatment of choice; patients must be warned about the risk of an exac­erbation of anxiety precipitated by an anti­depressant. Such an adverse reaction might prompt cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or limited use of a benzodiazepine.25

Obsessive-compulsive disorder. The incidence of OCD in epilepsy is 14% to 22%.26 Damage to the orbitofrontal cor­tex or temporal lobe epilepsy surgery can induce OCD; neurotransmitters involved are serotonin, glutamate, dopamine, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA).27 Patients may report obsessive thoughts in the peri-ictal period as well; some AEDs, such as topiramate, have been reported to induce such behaviors.28 Treatment options include CBT, an antidepressant, and, in refractory cases, neurosurgery.29

The prevalence of psychosis is approxi­mately 10% among persons who have epilepsy, and is observed most often in patients who have complex partial sei­zures.30 Risk factors include a family history of epilepsy or psychosis, temporal lobe epi­lepsy, a long seizure history, and significant neuropathology.31 Structural abnormalities in the limbic system, especially the hippo­campus, predispose patients to psychosis. Abnormal activity of GABA and dopamine are implicated in psychotic symptoms in these patients.32

Depending on the type and focus of the seizure, ictal psychoses present with cog­nitive and affective symptoms or halluci­nations. Delusions can be associated with comorbid traumatic brain injury.32 Postictal psychosis is differentiated from other peri-ictal confusional states by:


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