Medicolegal Issues

Was the ObGyn’s dexterity compromised?

Notable judgments and settlements

In this Article

  • Placental abruption: Was child dead?
  • Large fetus, shoulder dystocia: Erb’s palsy
  • Woman dies from toxemia
  • Blood transfusion delayed for hours: $14.75M net award
  • Pregnant woman has a massive stroke: $10.9M
  • Was the fetus properly monitored?
  • Rectal tear after vacuum extraction
  • Preeclamptic mother dies after giving birth
  • Was delivery properly managed?
  • Evidence of CMV on ultrasonography


Was the ObGyn’s dexterity compromised?
A woman underwent a hysterectomy. During surgery, the patient’s bladder was injured; the ObGyn called in a urologist to make the repair.

Patient’s claim The ObGyn failed to inform the patient about the possible complications from hysterectomy. The patient also claimed fraudulent concealment because the ObGyn had suffered a serious injury 3 years earlier that affected his dexterity. At the time of surgery, the ObGyn had a pending lawsuit against the owner of the premises where he fell in which he claimed that he was unable to continue his surgical practice because of the injury. The ObGyn never informed the patient of the extent of his injury or any associated risks related to his injury.

Defendants’ defense The patient was fully informed that bladder injury is a known risk of the procedure. The ObGyn maintained that his injury only affected his ability to stand for many hours while operating. The hospital settled during trial.

Verdict A $12,000 Louisiana settlement was reached with the hospital. Summary judgment was granted to the ObGyn on the informed consent claim. A $30,000 verdict was returned on the fraud count.

Placental abruption: Was child dead?
At 32 weeks’ gestation, a woman was found to have placental abruption. At the hospital, her ObGyn could not find a fetal heartbeat or detectable fetal movement on ultrasonography. A radiologist performed another ultrasound 30 minutes later and detected a fetal heart rate of 47 bpm. An emergency cesarean delivery was performed. Soon after birth, the child had seizures and was found to have hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and diffuse brain injury. The child is profoundly disabled.

Parents’ claim The ObGyn was negligent for failing to detect the fetal heart rate and in failing to respond properly to placental abruption. Cesarean delivery should have been performed immediately after placental abruption was identified.

Defendant’s defense The case was settled at trial.

Verdict A $13 million Illinois settlement was reached, including $5 million in cash and $8 million placed in trust for the child.

Large fetus, shoulder dystocia: Erb’s palsy
Labor was induced at 39 weeks’ gestation because the fetus was anticipated to be large. During vaginal delivery, shoulder dystocia was encountered. At birth, the baby weighed 9 lb 2 oz. She sustained a brachial plexus injury to the posterior shoulder with permanent nerve root damage and Erb’s palsy. The child continues to have limited use of her left arm and hand even after 3 corrective operations.

Parents’ claim While performing maneuvers to relieve shoulder dystocia, the ObGyn exerted excessive traction on the baby’s head, causing a C-5 nerve root injury and complete avulsion at C-8. A cesarean delivery should have been performed.

Physician’s defense There was no negligence. The nerve injury was caused by the natural forces of labor and the mother’s pushing while the posterior shoulder was wedged behind the mother’s sa-
cral promontory.

Verdict A $1 million Illinois verdict was returned.

Woman dies from toxemia
A 22-year-old woman was seen by her ObGyn 4 days after vaginal delivery. Early the next day, the patient had a seizure at home and was transported by ambulance to the hospital. She could not be resuscitated and died. At autopsy, the cause of death was determined to be toxemia from pregnancy.

Estate’s claim The ObGyn failed to properly diagnose and treat the patient’s hypertension.

Defendant’s defense The case was settled during trial.

Verdict A $775,000 New York settlement was reached.

Blood transfusion delayed for hours: $14.75M net award
After emergency cesarean delivery, the baby was extremely anemic. The physicians determined that a fetal-maternal hemorrhage had started days before, causing the fetus to lose most of her blood.

An hour after birth, the attending neonatologist ordered blood from the hospital’s blood bank and arranged for emergency transport to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Blood transfusion did not occur prior to transport. The child has severe cerebral palsy (CP) and cannot walk or talk at age 8 years.

Parents’ claim The neonatologist ordered cross-matched blood, which, because it is tested for compatibility, takes longer to supply. Universal donor blood could have been delivered in 20 minutes or less because it is readily available. The ambulance from the receiving hospital took an hour to drive 9 miles between the facilities, a trip that should have taken 12 minutes. The ambulance staff did not call ahead to the medical center to have blood ready for the baby. It took 4.5 hours before the newborn received a blood transfusion, a delay that caused severe injury to the child.


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