12 steps to closing your practice without problems
“Many don’t think about compliance issues, patient abandonment, or accounts receivable that they need to keep open to collect from billing, which...
From the Journals
Higher risk of death with endocrine therapy nonadherence
“Importantly, improving adherence and persistence represents a low-hanging fruit for increasing survival in luminal breast cancer.”
Reproductive Rounds

Optimizing thyroid management in reproduction
For now, it is reasonable to obtain a serum TSH on all women desiring fertility, to treat SCH with levothyroxine to maintain TSH <2.5 mIU/L in...
Latest News
COVID-clogged ICUs ‘terrify’ those with chronic or emergency illness
"We are playing musical chairs with 100 people and 10 chairs. When the music stops, what happens?"
From the Journals

Pedometer use improves postcesarean mobility for high-risk patients
Women in the pedometer group reported improved physical and mental postpartum recovery and higher levels of satisfaction with their delivery...
Latest News
How texting unites Seattle’s critical care departments
A basic smartphone feature becomes a crucial tool to keep the region’s ICUs connected.
Gynecologic Surgeons Unscrubbed
Host Cara King interviews Tommaso Falcone on building a successful team
Daily News Podcast

Genetic signature helps ID MS risk
Amlodipine may be preferable for lowering blood pressure in black patients.
Daily News Podcast
Match Day 2019
Overall match numbers are up, but some numbers cause concern.
Daily News Podcast

Bempedoic acid: funny name, serious LDL lowering
And doctors’ prior authorization burden is increasing.