Conference Coverage

Uterine size not linked to increased surgical complications




NEW YORK – Uterine size does not appear to increase the risk of surgical complications in patients who undergo type VII total laparoscopic hysterectomy, but both uterine size and the number of prior pelvic surgeries increased surgical time in a linear manner, according to a retrospective case-control analysis.

“There is insufficient evidence to determine a statistical correlation between uterine size and presence of surgical complications. Therefore, type VII [total laparoscopic hysterectomy] seems to be a feasible and safe surgical procedure, resulting in a short hospital stay, minimal blood loss, minimal operating time, and a low complication rate regardless of uterine weight,” Dr. Carlos Hernández Nieto said at the annual Minimally Invasive Surgery Week.

Type VII total laparoscopic hysterectomy consists of completing all surgical dissection, ligations, and sutures through trocars, including vaginal closure.


The study was based on 235 consecutive patients undergoing type VII total laparoscopic hysterectomy at two hospitals between January 2008 and December 2014. Sufficient information was available on 211 patients.

The mean age of women in the study was 45 years, with a mean body mass index of 25.3 kg/m2. The mean number of prior births was two; the mean number of prior pelvic surgeries was two; the mean number of days in hospital was three; the mean surgical time was 140 minutes; and the mean uterine weight was 142 grams. Mean blood loss during surgery was 100 cc.

Surgical complications occurred in 14 patients (6.6%); two had bleeding which led to conversion to laparotomy and 12 had fever. The mean uterine weight in the group with complications was 161.8 grams, according to Dr. Hernández Nieto of TEC Salud Health Care System, Monterrey, Mexico.

A logistical regression analysis showed that the only factor significantly related to complications was the mean surgical time (170 minutes in this group of patients; P = .003). Uterine weight was not significantly related to complications.

Uterine weight was, however, significantly associated with increased surgical time. Surgical time increased from 0.02 to 1 minute for each additional gram of weight (P = .002), Dr. Hernández Nieto said. The number of prior pelvic surgeries also significantly increased surgical time. For each prior pelvic surgery, surgical time increased from 1.62 to 8.72 minutes (P = .006).

Dr. Hernández Nieto reported having no financial disclosures.

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