Medicolegal Issues

Failure to convert to laparotomy: $6.25M settlement


Challenges in managing labor

At 37 weeks' gestation, a woman was hospitalized in labor. At 1:15 pm, she was dilated 3 cm. At 1:30 pm, she was dilated 4−5 cm with increasing contractions and a reassuring fetal heart rate (FHR). The ObGyn covering for the mother’s ObGyn ordered oxytocin augmentation, which started at 2:45 pm. Shortly thereafter, contractions became more frequent and uterine tachysystole was observed. At 4:12 pm, FHR showed multiple deep decelerations with slow recovery. The baseline dropped to a 90-bpm range and remained that way for 17 minutes. At that point, the ObGyn stopped oxytocin and administered terbutaline; the FHR returned to baseline.

After vaginal delivery, the baby’s Apgar scores were 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. Two days later, the baby had seizures and was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit. An electroencephalogram confirmed seizure activity. Initial imaging results were normal. However, magnetic resonance imaging performed a week after delivery showed bilateral brain damage. The child has spastic displegia, is unable to ambulate, and is blind.

Parents' claim: A suit was filed against the hospital and both ObGyns. The hospital settled before trial. The case was discontinued against the primary ObGyn. The covering ObGyn allegedly made 4 departures from accepted medical practice that caused the child’s injury: ordering and administering oxytocin, failing to closely monitor the FHR, failing to timely administer terbutaline, and failing to timely respond to and correct tachysystole.

Physician's defense: The child’s injury occurred before or after labor. The pregnancy was complicated by multiple kidney infections. A week before delivery, US revealed a blood-flow abnormality. An intranatal hypoxic event did not cause the injury, proven by the fact that, after terbutaline was administered, the FHR promptly normalized.

Verdict: A $3 million New York settlement was reached with the hospital. A $134 million verdict was returned against the covering ObGyn.

Brachial plexus injury during delivery
At 37 weeks' gestation, a mother was admitted to the hospital for induction of labor. Increasing doses of oxytocin were administered. Near midnight, FHR monitoring indicated fetal distress. The ObGyn was called and he ordered cesarean delivery. Once he arrived and examined the mother, he found no fetal concerns and decided to proceed with the original birth plan. At 3:30 am, the patient was fully dilated and in active labor. The ObGyn used a vacuum extractor. Upon delivery of the baby’s head, the ObGyn encountered shoulder dystocia and called for assistance. The child was born with a near-total brachial plexus injury: avulsions of all 5 brachial plexus nerves with trauma to the cervical nerve roots at C5−C8 and T1. The child has undergone multiple nerve grafts and orthopedic operations.

Parents' claim: Fetal distress should have prompted the ObGyn to perform cesarean delivery. There was no reason to use vacuum extraction. Based on the severity of the outcome, the ObGyn must have applied excessive force and inappropriate traction during delivery maneuvers.

Physician's defense: The standard of care did not require a cesarean delivery. The vacuum extractor did not cause shoulder dystocia. The ObGyn did not apply excessive force or traction to complete the delivery. The extent of the outcome was partially due to a fetal anomaly and hypotonia.

Verdict: An Illinois defense verdict was returned.

HPV-positive pap tests results never reported
A single mother of 4 children underwent Papanicolaou (Pap) tests in 2004, 2005, and 2007 at a federally funded clinic. Each time, she tested positive for oncogenic human papillomaviruses. In 2011, the patient died of cervical cancer.

Estate's claim: The patient was never notified that the results of the 3 Pap tests were abnormal because all correspondence was sent to an outdated address although she had been treated at the same clinic for other issues during that period of time. Cervical dysplasia identified in 2004 progressed to cancer and metastasized, leading to her death 7 years later.

Defendants' defense: The case was settled during trial.

Verdict: A $4,950,000 Illinois settlement was reached.

These cases were selected by the editors of 
OBG Management from Medical Malpractice Verdicts, Settlements, & Experts, with permission of the editor, Lewis Laska ( The information available to the editors about the cases presented here is sometimes incomplete. Moreover, the cases may or may not have merit. Nevertheless, these cases represent the types of clinical situations that typically result in litigation and are meant to illustrate nationwide variation in jury verdicts 
and awards.

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