Arnold Advincula's Surgical Techniques

Robot-assisted laparoscopic resection of a noncommunicating cavitary rudimentary horn

Robotic surgery is a safe and feasible option for managing this mullerian duct anomaly

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A unicornuate uterus with a noncommunicating rudimentary horn is a rare mullerian duct anomaly (MDA). It often goes undiagnosed due to the absence of functional endometrium in the anomalous horn. However, when the rudimentary horn is lined with endometrium, obstructed menstrual flow can lead to severe cyclic pelvic pain, development of a pelvic mass, and endometriosis from retrograde menstruation. For these reasons, surgical resection is recommended for patients with this anomaly.

In this video the surgical patient is a 15-year-old adolescent with a 1-year history of progressive dysmenorrhea. Imaging studies revealed a noncommunicating cavitary right uterine horn and confirmed a normal urinary tract system.

We present a stepwise demonstration of our technique for surgical resection of a noncommunicating cavitary uterine horn and conclude that robotic surgery is a safe and feasible route for surgical management of this pathology.

I am pleased to bring you this video to kick off the New Year. We are delighted that our work won "Best Video on Robotic Technology" at the annual AAGL meeting in November 2016, and I hope that it is helpful to your practice.

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