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VIDEO: Laparoscopy is a safe approach throughout pregnancy, expert says


AT AAGL 2017

– Laparoscopy offers advantages over laparotomy when performing nonobstetrical surgery on pregnant women, Yuval Kaufman, MD, said at the AAGL Global Congress.

“When we talk about advantages in referral to the pregnant patient, one of the most important things is early ambulation,” Dr. Kaufman, a gynecologic surgeon at Carmel Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, said in an interview. “These patients are in a hypercoagulable state; they are more likely to have DVT and PE. You need them up and running as soon as possible.”

Laparoscopy also tends to be better in terms of handling of the uterus, offering a field of view so that the uterus doesn’t need to be moved as much. In addition, laparoscopy is associated with a smaller, more easily healed scar, and usually requires fewer analgesics, which is better for the fetus, he said.

The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons recently issued guidelines for the use of laparoscopy during pregnancy, advising surgeons that these procedures can be safely performed during any trimester when the operation is indicated, he said.

“There was an older misconception that surgery has to be done in the second trimester only,” Dr. Kaufman said. “But they actually contradict that; they show that if you postpone surgery for this reason you might be doing much more damage to the mother and to the fetus.”

Dr. Kaufman reported having no relevant financial disclosures.

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