Artesunate to become first-line malaria treatment in U.S.


Starting April 1, 2019, intravenous artesunate will become the first-line treatment for malaria in the United States, following the discontinuation of quinidine, the only Food and Drug Administration–approved intravenous drug for severe malaria treatment.

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Although artesunate is not approved or commercially available in the United States, it is recommended by the World Health Organization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have made the drug available through an expanded use investigational new drug protocol, an FDA regulatory mechanism. Clinicians can obtain the medication through the CDC’s Malaria Hotline (770-488-7788); artesunate will be stocked at 10 quarantine stations and will be released to hospitals free of charge, according to a CDC announcement.

Clinical trials have illustrated that intravenous artesunate is safe, well tolerated, and can be administered even to infants, children, and pregnant women in the second and third trimester.

About 1,700 cases of malaria are reported in the United States per year, 300 of which are classified as severe. The CDC believes the supply of artesunate obtained will be sufficient to treat all cases of severe malaria in the country, according to a CDC press release.

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