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SECURE-IBD registry traces COVID-19 in patients with Crohn’s, colitis


Gastroenterologists and other clinicians caring for patients with inflammatory bowel disease are being encouraged to report outcomes for pediatric and adult patients with IBD and COVID-19 infections to a new international registry.

The Surveillance Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion (SECURE-IBD) registry is a repository for data on all cases of COVID-19 in patients with IBD, including those who are asymptomatic and detected only through public health screening.

The idea for the registry came from gastroenterologists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York.

It was developed out of the recognition that, “with the emergence of this international health crisis, it would make sense to develop a registry to allow clinicians taking care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease to report on the specifics of their cases, so that we could then quickly define what the impact is of this disease on our patients, and determine how disease severity, medication, and specific demographics impact COVID-related outcomes in our population,” said registry cofounder Erica Brenner, MD, a pediatric gastroenterology fellow at UNC.

As of March 19, 2020, 14 cases of COVID-19 infections in patients with IBD had been reported to the registry: 6 from the United States, 3 from Spain, and 1 each from the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands. There were no patient deaths, and only two required hospitalization. Neither of the hospitalized patients required intensive care or ventilator support.

Dr. Brenner noted that it’s still early days, and that a clearer picture of the pandemic will begin to emerge as more cases are reported.

“We are planning at least weekly to update our ‘Updates and Data’ tab on the registry with summary data and aggregate information,” she said in an interview.

All data in the registry are deidentified in accordance with HIPAA Safe Harbor standards. The UNC–Chapel Hill Office for Human Research Ethics has determined that storage and analysis of deidentified data is exempt from institutional review board requirement because it does not constitute human subjects research as defined under federal regulations.

SECURE-IBD was the inspiration for a similarly designed COVID-19 registry for clinicians who treat patients with rheumatologic disorders, who often are treated with immunosuppressive agents familiar to the rheumatology community, such as infliximab (Remicade and biosimilars), adalimumab (Humira and biosimilars), and methotrexate.

“We’re in the process of talking to different leaders across specialties to leverage our blueprint to implement registries in all sorts of disease states, including cirrhosis, psoriasis, lupus, and sickle cell disease,” Dr. Brenner said.

The data entry process is estimated to take 5 minutes. Participating clinicians are requested to reported on confirmed COVID-19 cases only “after sufficient time has passed to observe the disease course through resolution of acute illness and/or death.”

“The success of this registry depends on international collaboration and buy-in from clinicians around the world, so we really encourage all clinicians who take care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease to go to our website and report a case,” Dr. Brenner said.

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