From the Editor

Reduce the use of perioperative opioids with a multimodal pain management strategy

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Key features of a multimodal analgesia intervention for cesarean surgery

Fundamental inclusions of multimodal analgesia for cesarean surgery include:

  • exquisite attention to pain control during the surgical procedure by both the anesthesiologist and surgeon, with prioritization of spinal anesthesia that includes morphine and fentanyl
  • regularly scheduled administration of intravenous ketorolac during the first 24 hours postcesarean
  • regularly scheduled administration of both acetaminophen and ibuprofen, rather than “as needed” dosing
  • using analgesics that work through different molecular pathways (ibuprofen and acetaminophen) (See Table.).

The significance of neuraxial and truncal nerve blockade for post-cesarean delivery pain control

Administration of a long-acting intra­thecal opioid such as morphine lengthens time to first analgesic request after surgery and lowers 24-hour post‒cesarean delivery opioid requirement.14 If a patient requires general anesthesia and receives no spinal opioid, a transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block or quadratus lumborum (QL) block for postpartum pain control can lower associated postpartum opioid consumption. However, TAP or QL blocks confer no additional benefit to patients who receive spinal morphine,15 nor do they confer added benefit when combined with a multimodal pain management regimen postdelivery vs the multimodal regimen alone.16). TAP blocks administered to patients with severe breakthrough pain after spinal anesthesia help to lower opioid consumption.17 Further research is warranted on the use of TAP, QL, or other truncal blocks to spare opioid requirement after cesarean delivery in women with chronic pain, opioid use disorder, or those undergoing higher-complexity surgery such as cesarean hysterectomy for placenta accreta spectrum.

NSAIDs: Potential adverse effects

As we decrease the use of opioid medications and increase the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), we should reflect on the potential adverse effects of NSAID treatment in some patients. Specifically, the impact of ketorolac on hypertension, platelet function, and breastfeeding warrant consideration.

In the past, some studies reported that NSAID treatment is associated with a modest increase in blood pressure (BP), with a mean increase of 5 mm Hg.18 However, multiple recent studies report that in women with preeclampsia with and without severe features, postpartum administration of ibuprofen and ketorolac did not increase BP or delay resolution of hypertension.19-22 In a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies comparing the effects of ibuprofen and acetaminophen on BP, neither medication was associated with an increase in BP.19 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports the use of NSAIDs as one component of multimodal analgesia to help reduce the use of opioids.23

NSAIDs can inhibit platelet function and this effect is of clinical concern for people with platelet defects. However, a meta-analysis of clinical trials reported no difference in bleeding between surgical patients administered ketorolac or control participants.24 Alternative opioid-sparing adjuncts (TAP or QL blocks) may be considered for patients who cannot receive ketorolac based on a history of platelet deficiency. Furthermore, patients with ongoing coagulation defects after surgery from severe postpartum hemorrhage, hyperfibrinolysis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, or dilutional coagulopathy may have both limited platelet reserves and acute kidney injury. The need to postpone the initiation of NSAIDs in such patients should prompt alternate options such as TAP or QL blocks or dosing of an indwelling epidural when possible, in conjunction with acetaminophen. Patients who have a contraindication to ketorolac due to peptic ulcer disease or renal insufficiency may also benefit from TAP and QL blocks after cesarean delivery, although more studies are needed in these patients.

Both ketorolac and ibuprofen transfer to breast milk. The relative infant dose for ketorolac and ibuprofen is very low—0.2% and 0.9%, respectively.25,26 The World Health Organization advises that ibuprofen is compatible with breastfeeding.27 Of interest, in an enhanced recovery after cesarean clinical trial, scheduled ketorolac administration resulted in more mothers exclusively breastfeeding at discharge compared with “as needed” ketorolac treatment, 67% versus 48%, respectively; P = .046.28


Many factors influence a person’s experience of their surgery, including their pain symptoms. Factors that modulate a person’s perception of pain following surgery include their personality, social supports, and genetic factors. The technical skill of the anesthesiologist, surgeon, and nurses, and the confidence of the patient in the surgical care team are important factors influencing a person’s global experience of their surgery, including their experience of pain. Patients’ expectations regarding postoperative pain and psychological distress surrounding surgery may also influence their pain experience. Assuring patients that their pain will be addressed adequately, and helping them manage peripartum anxiety, also may favorably impact their pain experience.

Following a surgical procedure, a surgeon’s top goal is the full recovery of the patient to normal activity as soon as possible with as few complications as possible. Persistent opioid dependence is a serious long-term complication of surgery. Decades ago, most heroin users reported that heroin was the first opioid they used. However, the gateway drug to heroin use has evolved. In a recent study, 75% of heroin users reported that the first opioid they used was a prescription opioid.29 In managing surgical pain we want to minimize the use of opioids and reduce the risk of persistent opioid use following discharge. We believe that implementing a multimodal approach to the management of pain with additional targeted therapy for patients at risk for higher opioid requirement will reduce the perioperative and postdischarge use of opioid analgesics. ●


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