From the Journals

Progesterone might benefit women in perimenopause



Micronized oral progesterone might decrease night sweats and improve sleep in perimenopausal women, according to new research.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of about 180 women with vasomotor symptoms (VMS), women who received progesterone perceived a significantly greater decrease in night sweats (P = .023) and improved sleep quality (P = .005), compared with controls. VMS score did not differ significantly by treatment group, however.

“Women who have menstruated within the last year, who are waking twice or more times a week with night sweats and bothered by sleep disturbances would benefit from taking oral micronized progesterone 300 mg at bedtime,” principal investigator Jerilynn C. Prior, MD, professor of endocrinology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, said in an interview.

The study was published online in Scientific Reports.

A neglected group?

The best management for symptoms in perimenopause is an often-neglected topic of research, said Dr. Prior. Yet perimenopause is often associated with significant symptoms for women, including heavy menstrual bleeding, sore breasts, mood swings, night sweats, and insomnia – all when many women are at the peak of their careers.

Dr. Prior herself had a difficult perimenopause. “I began having cyclic night sweats, clustered around flow, when I was still having regular menstrual cycles, plus breast tenderness and sleep problems,” she said. “I knew from my research and my own experience that my estrogen levels were very high. Higher estrogen levels are not suppressible by exogenous estrogen, so it made no sense to me to ask my family doctor for a prescription for estrogen – or hormone replacement therapy, as it was then called. However, medroxyprogesterone acetate had been reported to be effective for menopausal hot flushes. I tried it, and it helped my night sweats and hot flushes but not my sleep. When oral micronized progesterone became available, I switched to that.”

In the current study, which was performed at the UBC Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research, the investigators studied 189 community-dwelling women from across Canada who were aged 35-58 years, had menstruated in the past year, and were bothered by daytime flushes or night sweats at least twice per week.

Participants were randomly assigned to receive either 300 mg of oral micronized progesterone or placebo at bedtime for 3 months. They recorded VMS number and intensity while awake and asleep each day. Some women participated remotely by web conference, telephone, or email. The experimental medicine was delivered to these participants by courier. The primary outcome was VMS score during the 3rd month.

Most (87%) participants were White, and about 57% had a college degree. The population’s average body mass index was 26.7, and 66.7% of participants were in late perimenopause.

The mean baseline VMS score among the women was 12.2. The average frequency of VMS per 24-hour day was 4.9. Average VMS intensity was 2.3 on a scale of 0-4. VMS scores decreased over time in both treatment groups.

At month 3, the VMS score was 5.5 in the progesterone group and 7.1 in the placebo group. The difference between groups was not statistically significant.

Compared with controls, however, women in the progesterone group perceived a significantly greater decrease in night sweats and improved sleep quality. Progesterone also was associated with significantly decreased perception of physical and emotional interference with their daily activities, compared with placebo (P = .017). Moreover, progesterone did not increase depression.

There were no serious adverse events.

“I hope that when women who look young and are still menstruating in their late 30s to early 50s go to the doctor and ask for help with night sweats and sleep problems, they will be told about this trial and offered progesterone therapy. I also hope they won’t be told, ‘You are too young,’ or ‘You are not in menopause,’ with the inference that the issue is all in their minds,” said Dr. Prior.


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