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The fertile future of fertility technology


Fifth pregnancy, first baby.

After four pregnancies resulted in losses – and doing things as natural as possible and leaving it up to the birds, bees, and fate – my husband and I decided to explore in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Drugs to direct my follicles to produce more eggs, an egg retrieval procedure, genetic testing of our embryos, a quick procedure to remove a residual uterine septum from my uterus, drugs to thicken my endometrial lining to prepare my body to receive an embryo, an embryo transfer, steroids to suppress my immune system so my body would accept the pregnancy, blood thinner shots to promote blood flow to the baby, and 10 weeks of progesterone in oil shots later and we’re days away from welcoming our first baby into our lives.

In short, there’s more than one way to define “miracle baby.”

Global estimates say 48 million couples and 186 million individuals struggle with infertility. On average, 2 million infants born in the United States each year are conceived through assisted reproductive technology and the demand for treatments like IVF have doubled in the last decade.

Now the need for treatments outweighs clinician availability. “We have about 1,250 practicing fertility physicians in the U.S. to serve the whole country, which is highly inadequate,” said Eduardo Hariton, MD, a reproductive endocrinology physician in San Francisco and managing director of the U.S. Fertility Innovation Fund. “We have people that want to get care waiting 1 to 3 months to be seen.”

Dr. Hariton explains that U.S. IVF clinics are performing around 250,000 to 300,000 IVF cycles per year and need to be doing a million-plus to meet demand. This, plus the cost of fertility treatments – an average IVF cycle runs $23,500 and the majority of patients need multiple cycles to conceive – keeps the barrier to entry high.

Enter technology: New advances are on the way to help the assisted fertility process to run smoother and be less costly. “The field is really coming into an age of great progress and innovation,” added S. Zev Williams, MD, PhD, chief of the division of reproductive endocrinology and Infertility at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York City.

I’m personally grateful that such technology exists. Here is a look at some recent game changers in reproductive tech and what the future may hold.

AI will help, of course

Fertility treatments involve endless analysis, diagnosis, and recommendations – dozens if not hundreds of decisions from each physician for each patient. Human action and reaction can affect this process, Dr. Hariton explained.

For example, if he hyperstimulated a woman during the follicle growing stage of her egg retrieval and ended up with eggs too large to retrieve, Dr. Hariton said he may subconsciously be more inclined to be extra cautious with his patients the week after, and vice versa.

This is where AI can help. “Rather than me making decisions from a couple of thousands of cycles of experience, I get to leverage hundreds of thousands of cycles from different providers over different people,” said Dr. Hariton. “I get to use all the data from that patient today – her age, her weight, what happened last cycle, how she’s doing – and make a very objective decision about the optimal time to give that woman or that couple the best outcome possible.”

AI can also assist with tasks like embryo grading. “Once our embryos are made in the lab, we usually have an embryologist looking at those embryos, grading them on a three-variable scale, and then picking the nicest one for transfer,” said Dr. Hariton. Machine learning computer vision software can help doctors select the best embryo.

Many of these AI products are in trials in the United States and some AI-based technology is already being used in fertility labs, especially in other countries. “ALife recently launched a suite of products to help with their decisions during stimulation that can help with the quality KPIs [key performance indicators] in the lab,” said Dr. Hariton. “There’s also a company that does AI-based predictions of success to give patients a better estimate called Univfy.” More AI products are still in development or awaiting Food and Drug Administration clearance.


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