
How ob.gyn. programs provide abortion training post Dobbs


Connecting programs

Ryan-affiliated residencies have been helping connect programs in states with abortion bans and restrictions to programs in states with more liberal laws.

Twelve of the 100 Ryan programs sent residents out of state in the past academic year, and 15 will follow this year. More are expected soon, said Kristin Simonson, MA, director of programs and operations at the Ryan Residency Program, headquartered at the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health at the University of California, San Francisco.

Before the Dobbs decision, very few programs considered next steps to train ob.gyn. residents if abortions became illegal, Ms. Simonson said. “I think a lot of people just kind of were waiting and seeing ... and hoping that they wouldn’t have to make any drastic plans. It was hard to motivate people to have a plan B ready to go,” she said.

“Almost all of us working in this field had a really bad feeling,” said Courtney G. Forbis, MD, UNM assistant professor of ob.gyn. and Ryan Residency director. She and colleagues began planning for the future months ahead of the court decision. But the program wasn’t able to begin accepting out-of-state residents until now, she said. “We are trying to use this experience to see what we can accommodate in the future.”

OHSU also began planning for alternative training when it learned of the leaked Supreme Court decision, Dr. Colwill said. “We decided that we had the bandwidth and opportunity to train more individuals that were going to lose access to services and educational opportunities,” she said.

The university ran a 4-week test rotation last fall. So far, six residents and one fellow have come from out of the state, said Dr. Colwill. OHSU hopes to have 10 more in the coming year. The out-of-state learners will join 32 ob.gyn. residents and 12 fellows who were already in the program, she said.

To ease residents’ integration into an away program, the Ryan Program – along with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Innovating Education in Reproductive Health – recently began offering a free, web-based patient-centered abortion education curriculum.

chief of education and Academic Affairs, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

Dr. AnnaMarie Connolly

The course supplements in-person clinical training in abortion care and prepares residents traveling and transitioning into another program to begin learning new skills on their first day, AnnaMarie Connolly, MD, ACOG’s chief of education and academic affairs, said in a prepared statement.

Training costs

Residents and their institutions also face additional costs. The home institution that loses a resident for a few weeks to a month has to determine how to cover the care not provided while they are away, Ms. Simonson said. Residents may incur expenses for transportation, housing, food, and other things while out of state.

OHSU covers transportation and housing through its abortion care and training fund, but there are other factors to consider, Dr. Colwill said. For example, the home and host programs have to coordinate licensing, malpractice, and line up rotation dates, she said.

Among other complications, UNM wasn’t able to set up an agreement so that its new resident could participate in a rotation at Planned Parenthood. “We have the clinical volume to accommodate another learner,” Dr. Forbis said. But the program has to balance resources, such as “trying to make sure we don’t have one faculty [member] assigned to too many learners at one time,” she said.

Given the logistic and financial challenges, programs may not be able to ensure that all residents who need abortion training receive it, said Ms. Simonson.

The Ryan Program, for instance, can’t help the more than 100 residency programs in states where abortions are currently illegal, she said.

UNM is trying to partner with specific programs, such as those in the state of Texas where abortion is banned, to train its residents each year, Dr. Forbis said.

OHSU also will look for opportunities to train as many residents as possible, Dr. Colwill said, “but I don’t think we’ll ever be able to fill that gap of 1,000 residents that need this training.”

A version of this article first appeared on Medscape.com.


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