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ROUNDTABLE PART 2 OF 2: Using mesh to repair prolapse: Averting, managing complications

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Some complications arise from faulty technique. A few may be caused by mesh itself. The expert panel differentiates those two sources of surgical problems.



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Vaginal placement of mesh for the correction of pelvic organ prolapse is not an entirely benign procedure. As Mickey M. Karram, MD, and an expert panel discuss in this article—the second of a two-part series—complications secondary to mesh placement can be a challenge to correct and often make life miserable for patients who experience them. Here, these experts address mesh erosion, extrusion, and other serious complications; discuss ways to prevent them; and offer strategies for managing them when they arise.

In Part 1, which appeared in the January 2009 issue of OBG Management, the panel discussed the increasing use of mesh in prolapse repair—in particular, the proliferation of mesh kits.

How common is erosion?

DR. KARRAM: The literature seems to indicate that, even in the best of hands, there is an extrusion, or erosion, rate of between 5% and 17% when mesh is used. Would you agree with this statistic?

DR. LUCENTE: Not completely. The vaginal exposure rate can be as low as 2%, as reported by our center and others, when the mesh is properly placed below all histologic layers of the vaginal wall, as it is when it is “delivered” to the pelvis via the transabdominal route.1,2

At the other end of the scale, an exposure rate above 17% has been reported when mesh is improperly placed within the vaginal wall—that is, just below the mucosa, as some surgeons have described in the methodology section of their abstract or article.3,4


MICKEY M. KARRAM, MD, moderator, is Director of Urogynecology at Good Samaritan Hospital and Voluntary Professor of ObGyn at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine in Cincinnati, Ohio.

SHLOMO RAZ, MD, is Professor of Urology and Chief of Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Urology at UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles.

VINCENT LUCENTE, MD, MBA, is Founder and Director of the Institute for Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery in Allentown, Pa, and Clinical Professor of ObGyn at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia.

MARK D. WALTERS, MD, is Professor and Vice Chair of Gynecology, Section of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.

We have found that complete, full-thickness dissection of the vaginal wall into the true pelvic space (vesicovaginal and rectovaginal), utilizing small vaginal incisions and limiting hysterectomy and the trimming of vaginal mucosa, can promote a very low vaginal-exposure rate.

DR. WALTERS: Some surgeons tell me that their own extrusion or erosion rate is lower than the published rate of 5% to 17%, but it is impossible to be certain of the long-term outcome in any patient unless she is followed carefully. The patient may consult another physician about her complications. The primary surgeon—even an expert—often does not know the actual mesh complication rate.

That said, I am sure that some surgeons are particularly adept at using mesh kits for prolapse repair, thereby keeping their mesh complication rate low. The 5% to 17% number is what most gynecologic surgeons should expect for their patients.

DR. RAZ: The complication rates are clearly underreported since very few centers of excellence report on complications and the majority of users don’t report them. Also, the reported complication rate concerns short-term erosion. I imagine that, as time passes and vaginal tissue becomes more atrophic, the incidence of erosion will increase.

Are simple measures enough to resolve erosion?

DR. KARRAM: There seems to be a general perception that most extrusions or erosions can be easily managed in the office by placing estrogen or trimming. In our experience, that approach has been successful in a minority of cases only.

What have you seen?

DR. WALTERS: At the Cleveland Clinic, as at most tertiary care referral centers, we often see the worst cases of extrusion or erosion related to mesh. Estrogen helps in some cases of simple mesh exposure, especially after sacrocolpopexy. If estrogen is going to be effective, however, the problem should clear up relatively quickly; if it isn’t effective after a month or two of therapy, estrogen is unlikely to ever be successful.

When it comes to related problems, such as ridges or strictures in the vagina, dyspareunia, penile pain with insertion, and vaginal burning pain, I have not found simple trimming and estrogen to be effective.

DR. KARRAM: It’s also unlikely that simple excision or placement of estrogen will be successful over the long term. When an extrusion or erosion occurs, we are generally seeing only the tip of the iceberg. That’s because mesh is placed in a certain plane. Although only part of the mesh may be exposed, the entire mesh is likely to be affected because it lies in the same plane.


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